to Tuesday, December 24, 2024 11:20 AM
Open in-person activity
Gajstova pot 2a, 3230, Šentjur, Šentjur pri Celju, SVN
Učenci bodo v z blokovnim programiranjem v programu scratch izdelovali animirane novoletne voščilnice.
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Art and creativity
Visual/Block programming
Nearby upcoming activities:
Coding@Christmas 2024
1. Christmas Pixel Art - Copy Image
• Students to identify the pixel as building block of an image.
• To discover the representation of images on computers and electronic screens.
• To understand the concept of coding colors.
Each student is given a sheet on which there is a table and a picture guide. Students should copy the picture on the board by coloring the boxes according to the picture and the letter of each line.
2.Christmas Pixel Art - Color By Number
• Students to identify the pixel as building block of an image.
• To discover the representation of images on computers and electronic screens.
• To understand the concept of coding colors.
Each student is given a sheet on which there is a table of numbers. Each number corresponds to one specific color, according to the color coding found in the instructions. Students should color each box with the corresponding color to reveal the Christmas image.
3. Bee-Bot - Santa delivers presents
• to report problems of everyday life with a playful dimension
• discuss the concept of algorithm through experiential activities
• to verbally describe the steps of simple algorithms
• determine the correct order of simple commands according to the sequence structure
Santa Claus (Bee-Bot) must start the sleigh from his village (Start) and after passing through all the points of Christmas, to end up in the chimney to deliver the gifts to the children. Who can complete the route with the less move?
4. Bee-Bot – Street racing with Santa's sleigh
• to report problems of everyday life with a playful dimension
• discuss the concept of algorithm through experiential activities
• to verbally describe the steps of simple algorithms
• determine the correct order of simple commands according to the sequence structure
The elves run to help Santa deliver the presents on time.
Which elf will be the fastest? Two sleds (Bee-Bot) start from starting points 1 and 2. Students should lead to the chimney (termination) as quickly as possible. The first to reach wins.
5. Christmas Sudoku
• Visual search for patterns and correlations
• Algorithmic thinking
• Patterns
Cut out the pictures on the dotted lines at the bottom of the sheet. To play Sudoku, complete each blank square with the correct image. Remember that each image must appear only once in each.
6. Christmas Tree Light-Up Puzzle Game
Light up the Christmas tree by connecting the lights. Click on the light strings and bulbs to rotate them. When a connection is made, they light up.
7. Escape room with dance workout
Solve all movement tasks and thus solve the escape room - as a reward you will be dancing with Santa Claus.
Učenje osnov programiranja
Učenci se bodo učili osnov programiranja z vodenimi aktivnostmi na portalu:
Rozmanov Coding@Christmas
V sklopu projekta Utrinki in e-Twinning projekta HOP in Code Up bomo izpeljali navdihujoče dejavnosti Coding@Christmas2024, z namenom, da učenci spoznajo osnove kodiranja skozi kreativne projekte, kot so:
1. Oblikovanje digitalnih voščilnic.
2. Ustvarjanje praznične dekoracije z micro:bitom.
3. Izdelovanje snežne krogle z micro:bitom.
As part of the Utrinki project and the HOP and Code Up e-Twinning project, we will run inspiring Coding@Christmas2024 activities to teach students the basics of coding through creative projects such as:
1. Create a Digital Holiday Card
2. Creating a festive decoration with micro:bit.
3. Making a snow globe with micro:bit.