Here are upcoming EU Code Week featured activities that welcome online participants. You can filter by language and month and, by clicking on “view” you’ll access all details on the activity and the contacts of the organisers. Enjoy!
01/10/2024 - 13:50
Make a Tilt Game with OctoStudio

Create a game where you tilt your device to move a character and collect items using OctoStudio, a free mobile coding app from the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media Lab. Customize with your own characters, backgrounds, sounds, and more! 

Go to
Get OctoStudio for free at

01/10/2024 - 13:54
Create a Creature with OctoStudio

Design and animate your own creature using OctoStudio, a free mobile coding app from the Lifelong Kindergarten at MIT Media Lab. Make it move, speak, and more!

Get started at

Get OctoStudio for free at

01/10/2024 - 14:00
СтепноКод - учнівський онлайн-марафон
Протягом 3х тижнів учні 3х "опорних" шкіл Степногірської територіальної громади Запорізької області (на місцях й в "евакуації" до Запоріжжя) під час онлайн-марафону на практиці навчаться "вручну" писати та змінювати сайти різними "мовами", кодувати за допомогою відповідних мобільних додатків та захищати свої комп'ютери від стороннього втручання. Окрім "теоретичної" складової буде й практична - конкурсні "домашні завдання" на окремому піддомені сайту Організації з їхньою подальшою перевіркою та додатковими консультаціями учасників й учасниць, а найкреативніших і найактивніших учнів буде додатково відзначено відповідними відзнаками (онлайн-/офлайн- церемонія оголошення та нагородження з дотриманням безпекових умов) Всі марафонні "ефіри" відбуватимуться онлайн і зберігатимуться для подальшого вільного доступу всіма охочими підлітками на платформі Ютуб
02/10/2024 - 09:12
Walk to the soccer and basketball courts.

We use the free online tool of scratch to learn basic coding elements. 

03/10/2024 - 12:16
Code with Anna and Elsa

Students design a short game using the instrutions


05/10/2024 - 09:55
Atelier modelare 3D în Blender

Primii pași în Blender, ateliere gratuite pentru elevi

Oferă-i copilului tău un start într-un domeniu creativ! Prin aceste ateliere online va învăța bazele Blender, software-ul de grafică 3D folosit în animație, design de jocuri și efecte speciale. Atelierele sunt perfecte pentru începători. Sub îndrumarea lui Radu, un talentat cursant Code School Clubs, copilul tău va învăța să dezvolte propriile proiecte și să exploreze antreprenoriatul în tehnologie.

05/10/2024 - 10:00
Teaching the Computer to distinguish when the oliv...
Ας μάθουμε λοιπόν στον Υπολογιστή να ξεχωρίζει ποτέ οι καρποί της ελιάς είναι έτοιμοι για μάζεμα. Οι καρποί της ελιάς είναι έτοιμοι για μάζεμα όταν το χρώμα τους είναι πχ μαύρη μελιτζάνα. Έτσι, αν τοποθετήσουμε μια ελιά στην κάμερα, θα πρέπει να μάθουμε να ανιχνεύσουμε το χρώμα. Χρησιμοποιώντας το

Μπορώ να ανοίξω και να κλείσω την κάμερα; Ναι μέσω της εντολής .. " ενεργοποίηση βίντεο (ενεργοποίηση/απενεργοποίηση) "


1)     Μπορεί να ανιχνευθεί το χρώμα του αντικειμένου; Ναι μέσω της εντολής «αγγίζοντας το χρώμα»
1)     Έτσι θα βάλουμε ένα αντικείμενο που κινείται και όταν ακουμπήσει το χρώμα που ζητήσαμε να δώσει το κατάλληλο μήνυμα και θα σταματήσει 2)    Με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα φτιάξουμε ένα αντικείμενο Γραμμής (με το όνομα spirit1) που καταλαμβάνει ολόκληρη την οθόνη και θα κινείται οριζόντια (δηλαδή κατά μήκος του x). Όταν ακουμπήσει το χρώμα που ζητήσαμε, θα δώσει ένα κατάλληλο μήνυμα και θα σταματήσει.   3)    Ο στυλό του έργου και RUN 4)    Αντιγράψτε το έργο στο Stuff σας και... α)    Αλλάξτε το χρώμα ώστε ο υπολογιστής να αναγνωρίσει ότι οι καρποί της ελιάς είναι έτοιμοι για μάζεμα όταν το χρώμα τους είναι π.χ. σκούρο πράσινο. β)      β). Οι καρποί της ελιάς είναι έτοιμοι για μάζεμα όταν το χρώμα τους είναι μαύρη μελιτζάνα Ή σκούρο πράσινο.  

Έτσι ο υπολογιστής μπορεί να μάθει πώς να αναγνωρίσει ένα συγκεκριμένο χρώμα

06/10/2024 - 12:00
A.ll I.nclusive- Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use :

06/10/2024 - 12:00
A.ll I.clusive - Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use : Dc3rL-sWbIEvowyjkD1APdtT8/edit?usp=sharing 

06/10/2024 - 17:25

CodeWeek activity for the etwinning project "WISH". Students code the word and a picture by hand or with  web tool pixart

06/10/2024 - 17:59
A.ll I.nclusive - Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use : sWbIEvowyjkD1APdtT8/edit?usp=sharing

06/10/2024 - 20:06
A.ll I.nclusive - Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use :


06/10/2024 - 20:21
A.ll I.nclusive- Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use : Dc3rL-sWbIEvowyjkD1APdtT8/edit?usp=sharing

06/10/2024 - 23:35
A.ll l.nclusive break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use : Dc3rL-sWbIEvowyjkD1APdtT8/edit?usp=sharing

07/10/2024 - 08:00
Board game "Let me travel around Europe"

Each small (2-3) group of students should write a “Code” – instructions to help him get to a specific country!

They may start either from the beginning (where he stands now), or may choose a specific country to start!

07/10/2024 - 10:45
A.ll I.nclusive- Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use : Dc3rL-sWbIEvowyjkD1APdtT8/edit?usp=sharing

07/10/2024 - 13:18
Coding for Peace: A Flag-tastic Journey with Bee-B...

Activity 1: We use a large Beebot track with a map of Europe. We place small images of European flags at various points on the track. The children will program the Beebot, which carries a dove, the symbol of peace, to travel from country to country, saying the names of the countries for a Peace Journey with flags.
Objective: To connect the flags with the countries and understand the symbol of peace.
Activity: The children will program the Beebot to reach each flag, saying the name of the country and making a brief reference to the concept of peace.

Activity 2: Build a Tower of Peace. We use Lego or other objects to create a tower on the track. Each child will program the Beebot to transport a Lego piece to place on the tower. As the tower grows, the children will discuss how collaboration builds peace.

07/10/2024 - 20:30
What are you feeling today?

The activity can be done with a robot or unplugged.

With a robot: in the beebot map we «draw» the route to be followed and place the squares depicting the children with the emotions. Students have to guide the robot through the pictures and identify the emotions. They try to represent the movements they made with the robot using arrows.

Unplugged: We can use large blocks which we place on the floor. We have to use the right arrows to move forward, backward, right or left. When we arrive in a square with image we have to recognize the feeling. They try to represent the movements they made using arrows.

07/10/2024 - 22:28

We prepared a puzzle to raise awareness of what should be in the earthquake kit. We think that it will also help learning while determining readiness levels. enjoy!

07/10/2024 - 22:44
Program adventures

Students from Greece and Turkey will be divided into groups and will experiment with microbit and arduino microcontrollers.

All the activities will upload on the padlet:

08/10/2024 - 12:39


  • 15ottobre 11:00. CodyRoby: Bersaglio mobile [dalla III primaria]
  • 15 ottobre 09:00. CodyFeet [ primi anni primaria]
  •  22 ottobre 09:00. CodyColor [primaria ]
08/10/2024 - 17:26
How are you feeling today?

The activity can be done with a robot or unplugged. With a robot: in the beebot map we "draw" the route to be followed and place the squares depicting thee children with the emotions. they try to represent the movements they made with the robot using arrrows. 

Unplugged: we can use large blocks which we place on the floor. We have to use the right arrows to move forward blackward ì, right or left. When we arrive in a square with image we have to recognize the feeling. They try to represent the movements they made using arrows

09/10/2024 - 17:00
Intel AI Global Impact Festival

Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2024 is an annual Digital Readiness celebration for next-generation technologists, as well as academia, ecosystem, and government partners to showcase AI innovation and impact. Come Celebrate, Learn, and Compete to earn Intel certificates and awards!

10/10/2024 - 13:15
What are you feeling today?

The activity can be done with a robot or unplugged.

With a robot: on a beebot map we "draw" the route can be followed and place the squares depicting the children with the emotions. Students hav eto guide the robot through the pictures and identify the emotions. They try to represent the movements they made with the robot using arrows or without.

Unplugged:we can use large blocks wich we place on the floor. We have to use the correct arrows to move forward, backward, left , right. When we arrive in a square with image we have to recognize the feeling. They try to represent the movements they made using arrows.

10/10/2024 - 16:57
Nature is beautiful, World Eco Friends Project

With nature figures partners are invited to break the codes for codeweek activity..  STudents enjoy while breaking partners' codes and very excited by what appears on the sheet.. Coding is exciting for kids and producing makes them motivated as well. Thanks to World Eco Friends project we are all working together as worldwide school students and have fun through codeweek activities..

11/10/2024 - 14:23
Computing Systems - Keyboard Quest (Code Avengers)

Join Juno and Max on an electrifying educational journey exploring computing systems. Dive into portable electronic devices, decode hardware/software glitches, master inputs/outputs, and conquer navigation. Sharpen literacy skills, letter recognition and capitalization, and troubleshoot problems. Complete the 5 tasks in an hour or split for junior students. Additional activities included.

11/10/2024 - 15:03
Impacts of Computing - Silicon Synapses: Intro to...

Discover the defining moments that shaped the world of AI and the rapid evolution that has brought AI into our everyday lives. Navigate the world of chatbots, recommendation engines, autonomous vehicles and creative AI.  Take a deep dive into the transformative power of AI in healthcare, education, and beyond. Embrace the future where AI isn't just a tool—it's a partner.

11/10/2024 - 15:07
Python - Intro Turtle Graphics (Code Avengers)

Python is an engaging and simple language to learn. Learn about using modules, functions, loops, and lists, all while creating fun images with the help of your turtle buddies. Geometry has never been so much fun!


11/10/2024 - 15:12
Javascript - Food Frenzy Game (Code Avengers)

This is your first step on the way to becoming a game development master. This course will gently guide you through using JavaScript to build a simple 2D top-down game you can play with your friends. Along the way, you’ll learn about coordinates and hunt bugs as you prepare for the more complex work to come.

11/10/2024 - 15:31
Computational Thinking - Matariki: Maori New Year...

Join Maia and Charlie as they celebrate Matariki: the Māori new year celebration from New Zealand. Learn about all kinds of computational thinking skills that fit into the gardening, food preparation, and story of the stars of Matariki.

11/10/2024 - 15:44
Computational Thinking - Robo-Restaurant Designer...

Join Tilley and Charlie as they decorate the Food Avengers restaurant using algorithms. Learn by doing tasks such as:

  • Drawing a logo by building sequential algorithms.

  • Line repetition using looping algorithms.

  • Draw traffic signs & calculate the turning angle for regular shapes

  • Reading algorithms to revise shapes and loops

  • Create stunning patterns using loops within loops

11/10/2024 - 18:38
Avatar creation using AI and introductions - Let’s...

Avatar creation using AI and introductions

Students create avatars using Padlet's AI-powered text-to-image generator or any other AI Image Generator (e.g. Bing Images Creator, Craiyon) and introduce themselves in the padlet "Schools, Teachers & Students Introductions"

eTwinning project Let’s Dive into the BLUE!

12/10/2024 - 21:33
14/10/2024 - 00:07

Vom afla mai multe despre Europa, Erasmus+, eTwinning și Code Week. Vom sărbători ErasmusDays prin organizarea de evenimente de codare/robotică și promovarea valorilor europene.

14/10/2024 - 00:43
Meeting with Books

Students from different countries in the eTwinning project 'Meeting with Books' do coding of books. 

14/10/2024 - 06:45
Euro Calculator - Landing in Europe

By giving a currency and the exchange rate you will get Eur!

It will work as a Eur calculator!

14/10/2024 - 06:45
Euro Calculater

By giving a currency and the exchange rate you will get Eur!

It will work as a Eur calculator!

14/10/2024 - 07:00
European Coding Competition 2024

Join us the Europe's largest coding competition for students! FREE & Online


The competition will be held online throughout across Europe (Primary/Upper Elementary & Secondary/Middle School & High School) during the 14-27 October 2024.


EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun and engaging way…

Learning to code helps us make sense of the rapidly changing world around us. Join millions of fellow organisers and participants to inspire the development of coding and computational thinking skills in order to explore new ideas and innovate for the future.

We want to raise awareness for coding education by organizing coding competitions for all grade levels across Europe. Take your place in this fun and award-winning adventure with your school.


14/10/2024 - 08:45
Coding is everywhere

Indeed, coding has become a universal language that transcends borders and industries. It's the backbone of the digital world, powering everything from the apps on our phones to the websites we browse and the cars we drive. Coding is not just for computer scientists; it's a skill that artists, writers, engineers, and even children are learning to bring their ideas to life. The beauty of coding lies in its ability to turn abstract concepts into tangible solutions, creating a world where innovation is limitless and the only boundary is our imagination. As technology continues to evolve, coding will remain an essential tool for shaping the future.

14/10/2024 - 09:00
Let me travel around Europe

Help the traveller to go around Europe by giving him specific instructions!

Each small group of students (2-3) should write a "code" - instructions to help him get to a specific country.

They may start either from the beginning (where he stands), or may choose a specific flag to start from a specific country.


- Move forward [     ] steps

- Move back [     ] steps

- Turn right

- Turn left

NOTE: There is not only one correct coding!


14/10/2024 - 09:00
Eğlenerek Kodlama

Our e-Twinning project "Children Who Add Stem to Values themed pixel painting work.

e-Twinning projemiz olan "Children Who Add Stem to Values" konulu piksel boyama kodlama çalışması yapacağız.

14/10/2024 - 09:03
Code Together

MASTER VET Collaborative Coding Challenge

In this activity, students aged 14-19 from Turkey, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France, and Latvia will work together to create a digital representation of Erasmus+ Days using Python. Teams will collaboratively code different parts of the image on an online platform, enhancing their digital skills, creativity, and international cooperation. This challenge aligns with our project's goals of improving digital competencies, fostering innovation, and preparing students for future workplaces. The final product will be shared on our WhatsApp channel and Twinspace, respecting student privacy.

14/10/2024 - 09:15
An eTwinning Journey

Culture is a heritage passing through ages. We want to create a work blending it with coding.

14/10/2024 - 09:30
Scratch Coding Workshops
We are planning 3 Introduction to coding workshops in our school for 4th 5th and 6th classes. We will have groups of 22, 26 and 25 students. Our school is rural DEIS and caters for pupils from both a small town and it's surrounding rural hinterland. We have children who come from both an urban and rural area of disadvantage. Many of our children in these groups would have no access to devices or quality internet connection and a number of them are migrant children with English as a second language. Children in all groups have been diagnosed with a Learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, developmental language delay and autism. Some of the children use assistive technology to support their learning in school. The workshops will focus on an introduction to coding with pupils, we will use Scratch which allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch encourages critical thinking, problem solving, communication and digital literacy. Skill Development: Our Goals for the event are Basic Coding Skills: Problem-Solving: Enhance logical thinking and problem-solving skills through coding exercises and challenges. Project-Based Learning: Enable participants to apply their skills in real-world projects, fostering creativity and practical understanding. Confidence Building: Hands-On Experience: Provide opportunities for hands-on practice to build confidence in using coding tools. Collaboration and Communication: Teamwork: Promote teamwork through group projects, pair programming, and collaborative tasks. Communication: Develop the ability to explain coding concepts and solutions clearly, both verbally and in writing. Creativity and Innovation: Creative Projects: Inspire creativity by allowing participants to create their own projects, such as games, websites, or apps. Innovation: Encourage innovative thinking by exploring new technologies and approaches. Diversity and Inclusion: Accessible Learning: Ensure the workshop is accessible to all participants, regardless of background or prior experience. Encouraging Diversity: Promote diversity in tech by encouraging participation from underrepresented groups. Fun and Engagement: Interactive Learning: Use games, puzzles, and interactive tools to make learning enjoyable. The event is designed to include all levels of ability and experience and to be flexible enough to allow children pursue their own personal interest while having the experience of coding with Scratch.
14/10/2024 - 09:52
Who is J. E. Purkyně?

1. Unplugged aktivity

2. Bonus: online puzzles

14/10/2024 - 10:41
Peace will save the world!

A coding game has been created for the students in the eTwinning project using Genially. I will have my class of 22 fourth-grade students play the game. The task is to program a BeeBot to collect all the peace symbols and reach the dove of peace.

14/10/2024 - 10:42
Codare în spațiu pentru schimbările climatice

Activitate de robotică și Pixel Art

14/10/2024 - 10:51
A.ll I.nclusive - Break the code

This is a collaborative coding activity. All partners will work together to break the code and create a song. Each partner will write a word related to environmental protection using the code alphabet that is given and the other partners will take turns to decode it according to the symbols they find in the table and then they will suggest another word. All words will be included in the lyrics of a song to be created using an AI app. Here is a link to the collaborative document all partners will use : Dc3rL-sWbIEvowyjkD1APdtT8/edit?usp=sharin

14/10/2024 - 10:53
STEAM Mystery!-Find my shadow!

Materials we need: Transparent bee bot mat, mobile cards with their corresponding shadows, riddles for each animal, bee bot.

Place the cardsof animal's shadows under the transparent beebot grid mat.

Every child picks up a riddle card about animals. Children need to solve the riddle and find the animal that is being described in the card. Afterwards, they have to guide the beebot to the respective shadow.

14/10/2024 - 11:12

Vom afla mai multe despre Europa, Erasmus+, eTwinning și Code Week. Vom sărbători ErasmusDays prin organizarea de evenimente de codare/robotică și promovarea valorilor europene.