Girls in Digital
Explore and embrace digital opportunities—empowering a new generation of girls in digital!
Get involved
October 11-26
Učenje programiranja nam pomaže da bolje shvatimo svet oko nas koji se brzo menja, da bolje razumemo kako tehnologija funkcioniše i razvijemo veštine i sposobnosti koje nam pomažu da ist
Get involved
Our Code Week Family
Discover our vibrant network of ambassadors, teachers, students and hubs—each contributing to our shared passion for digital education.
Meet our community

Not sure how to get started?
Take a look at the how-to page, and download our toolkits for organisers to get prepared and spread the word.

Take your coding skills to the next level with Minecraft Education. Discover how Minecraft Education can teach coding and AI literacy skills and explore how to get started today!
Sign up to bring fun, live play-alongs direct to your classroom!
Start your Minecraft Education journey here

Organise or join an activity
Anyone is welcome to organise or join an activity. Just pick a topic and a target audience and add your activity to the map, or browse for activities in your area.
Resources and training
If you are not sure how to organise an activity, visit our teaching resources page and learning bits training materials for guidance and tailored lesson plans.