Balancing Emotions: An 'Inside Out' Journey through Math and STEAM Crack the code and guide Leo to the monkey

From Friday, October 18, 2024 7:08 AM
to Friday, December 27, 2024 10:16 AM


Open in-person activity


Strada General Mihail Trapsa, 325400, Caransebes, Caras-Severin, ROU

This is a coding activity designed for EU Code Week and aims to introduce preschoolers the  basic coding concepts.

Students receive a coded message consisting of colorful smiley faces in a row, which form the path on the grid for the lion to reach the monkey!

Students consult the reference board, showing which colorful face, each arrow represents, place the arrows on the grid and lead the lion to the monkey. Coding mystery and fun will excite the participants!


This activity is part of the eTwinning project "Balancing Emotions: An 'Inside-Out' journey through Math and Steam''

    Pre-primary education
    Basic programming concepts

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