Υπολογιστική Σκέψη - RANGERS tangible coding game

From Monday, October 14, 2024 7:45 AM
to Friday, October 25, 2024 1:05 PM

Mathiatis Primary School

Invite-only in-person activity



Mathiatis, Cyprus

Οι μαθητές των Γ , Δ, Ε και Στ τάξεων του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Μαθιάτη, θα αναπτύξουν την υπολογιστική τους σκέψη και θα εξασκηθούν στην επίλυση προβλήματος μέσω του παιχνιδιού Rangers. Το  παιχνίδι κωδικοποίησης RANGERS αναπτύχθηκε το 2017 στο Πανεπιστήμιο Nelson Mandela ως ένας διασκεδαστικός τρόπος εισαγωγής των μαθητών σε έννοιες κωδικοποίησης που κανονικά θα διδάσκονταν σε μια εισαγωγική ενότητα κωδικοποίησης στο πανεπιστήμιο. Χρησιμοποιεί προσαρμοσμένα διακριτικά, αναγνώριση εικόνας και μια εφαρμογή για κινητά σε μια ομαδική δραστηριότητα.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Unplugged activities

Nearby upcoming activities:

STEAM mystery!- Find my shadow!
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 7:58 PM

Materials needed: Beebot and transparent mat, mobile cards-pictures of animals, mobile cards with their corresponding shadows, riddeles for each animal.

Place the cards of animals under the transparent rid mat

A  riddle card is chosen and is read to all the children. The children solve the riddle, find the animal and programme the beebot to find the corresponding shadow.

Code Fitness: move,jump, twist !!!
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 8:24 PM

Algorithms are instructions that we must follow to complete a specific task.

An easy and fun activity that can be repeated in many ways is command gymnastics.

This is an unplugged activity, requiring no device or internet connection.

We use large command blocks, which we place on the floor or tape to our classroom blackboard.

The commands are simple and include:

1. the images for the beginning and the end

2. the arrows, with which students are asked to move forward, backward, right or left,

3. the images with the various movements

4. the boxes, which show how many times (repetition) they have to repeat the movement.

The secret code of cooperation
Fri, Oct 11, 2024 1:11 PM

We will celebrate with our partners in the eTwinning project: Good manners detectives the CODEWEEK. So, since we deal with a different social value every month, we decided to deal with the concept of cooperation. The aim of the activities is to introduce BASIC PROGRAMMING CONCEPT, to cultivate logical and mathematical skills, but also communication and cooperation skills in the students. Let's teach the little beebot what cooperation means! We could create cards with behaviors that show cooperation and behaviors that show children not cooperating. Cards can be created by students or ready-made cards can be used. We'll teach the little beebot only the right behaviors, planning correctly and avoiding uncooperative behaviors. If some of our partners do not have robots, they can draw a track on the ground with paper tape, place the cards on the track, and the students in pairs have the role of the driver and the robot. The driver will either give verbal instructions (e.g. 1 step forward, turn right, etc.) or with specific movements (e.g. a tap on the back means a step, a touch on the left arm means a turn to the left, etc.). Also, since many have more than one robot it can become a race (where they have a different starting point) as to which team can program the robot the fastest and collect the most cards with positive behaviors. These activities will be implemented within the framework of the eTwinning: Good manners detectives and specifically for the cooperation value and there will be instructions in Greek and English for our partners on the digital board: https://digipad.app/p/916109/81a8a2e12fca2  , where the relevant activities will be posted.