to Wednesday, October 16, 2024 10:00 AM
Naša radost Preschool Organisation, Šumica kindergarten
Open in-person activity
“The students will color a worksheet, where the colors are coded with numbers.
Look at the picture of the rocket on your worksheet.
Each part of the rocket has a number.
Find the color that matches each number. For example:
1 = Red
2 = Blue
3 = Yellow
4 = Green
Color each rocket part according to the numbers and colors listed above.
Make sure to stay within the lines and color neatly.
Have fun coloring your rocket!
This color-by-number activity is especially suitable for younger children as it helps them learn to follow instructions and recognize numbers and colors.”
Pre-primary education
Unplugged activities
Playful coding activities
Art and creativity
Nearby upcoming activities:
Deep Dive Discovery
In this engaging activity, students will design a game using MakeCode Arcade to raise awareness about ocean pollution. Players will control a fish swimming in the ocean, aiming to avoid harmful obstacles like trash and rubbish while collecting algae to earn points. The game will highlight the impact of pollution on marine life, encouraging players to reflect on the importance of keeping our oceans clean. Students will use coding skills to create movement, design obstacles, and develop scoring mechanics, blending creativity with environmental education in a fun, interactive way.
Pronađi moj zadatak
Aktivnosti su planirane u 4 radne etape. Prvu aktivnost provode svi učenici individualno, a ostale aktivnosti su organizirane za rad u četiri skupine.
1. aktivnost - preoblikovanje Morseovog koda u binarni kod, šifriranje riječi i razbijanje šifriranih riječi (individualni rad)
2. aktivnost - razbijanje šifre i sastavljanje tekstualnih zadataka prema dobivenim skrivenim pojmovima - rad u skupinama, 4 različita zadatka
3. aktivnost - preoblikovanje brojevnog izraza u binarni kod i postavljanje u microbit - rad u skupinama
4. aktivnost - svi tekstualni zadatci (4 različita zadatka) su postavljeni na Digipad.
Skupine međusobno razmjenjuju programirane microbitove, razbijaju šifru (zadatak postavljen u binarnom kodu), rješavaju zadatak, fotografiraju ga i objavljuju na Digipadu kao slikovni komentar uz odgovarajući, već objavljen tekstualni zadatak.
Méh-ész logikai verseny
A kerettörténetbe ágyazott projekt során a jelentkezők korosztályonként havonta egy történetbe ágyazott feladatot kapnak beebot padlórobotokkal végzett tevékenységeken keresztül végzik el a feladatot és töltik fel. Így versenyeznek országosan egymással jelvényeket szerezve a Méh-ész logikai versenyen.