Spoznaj slovenske strojnike

From Wednesday, May 8, 2024 8:30 AM
to Wednesday, June 5, 2024 10:00 AM

Srednja šola Črnomelj

Open online activity



Srednja šola Crnomelj gimnazija, Kidričeva ulica 18A, 8340, Črnomelj, SVN

Pri pouku Informatike kot praktični izdelek izvajamo projekt »Spoznaj slovenske strojnike«. Zbrali bomo 10 biografij s portretnimi fotografijami strojnikov iz javno dostopnih baz. Le te bomo obdelali s modeli umetne inteligence in sestavili v lip-sync videe, kjer vsak video predstavi po enega strojnika. Videe bomo objavili na spletni strani Spoznaj slovenske strojnike in delili povezavo preko šolskih medijev in družbenih omrežij.
Namen je, da dijake smeri strojni tehnik in druge, ki jih zanima strojništvo in tehnična dediščina seznanimo s posamezniki, ki so v preteklosti doprinesli razvoju strojniške stroke v izobraževalnih ustanovah in v gospodarstvu.
V projekt je vključeno 29 dijakov 1. letnika programa Strojni tehnik na Srednji šoli Črnomelj 2023/24.


    Primary school Secondary school Higher Education Employed adults Teachers
    Data manipulation and visualisation Art and creativity Artificial intelligence Motivation and awareness raising

Nearby upcoming activities:

Programiranje s programom Scratch in Pišek
Mon, Jan 6, 2025 3:18 PM

V sklopu poučevanja neobveznega izbirnega predmeta računalništva, na naši šoli otrokom predstavimo programiranje z delčki. Uporabljamo programa Pišek in Scratch. Otroci se naučijo osnov programiranja in algoritemskega razmišljanja.

Coding@Christmas 2024
Mon, Dec 16, 2024 7:00 AM


1. Christmas Pixel Art - Copy Image


• Students to identify the pixel as building block of an image.

• To discover the representation of images on computers and electronic screens.

• To understand the concept of coding colors.


Each student is given a sheet on which there is a table and a picture guide. Students should copy the picture on the board by coloring the boxes according to the picture and the letter of each line.


2.Christmas Pixel Art - Color By Number


• Students to identify the pixel as building block of an image.

• To discover the representation of images on computers and electronic screens.

• To understand the concept of coding colors.


Each student is given a sheet on which there is a table of numbers. Each number corresponds to one specific color, according to the color coding found in the instructions. Students should color each box with the corresponding color to reveal the Christmas image.


3. Bee-Bot - Santa delivers presents


• to report problems of everyday life with a playful dimension

• discuss the concept of algorithm through experiential activities

• to verbally describe the steps of simple algorithms

• determine the correct order of simple commands according to the sequence structure


Santa Claus (Bee-Bot) must start the sleigh from his village (Start) and after passing through all the points of Christmas, to end up in the chimney to deliver the gifts to the children. Who can complete the route with the less move?


4. Bee-Bot – Street racing with Santa's sleigh


• to report problems of everyday life with a playful dimension

• discuss the concept of algorithm through experiential activities

• to verbally describe the steps of simple algorithms

• determine the correct order of simple commands according to the sequence structure


The elves run to help Santa deliver the presents on time.

Which elf will be the fastest? Two sleds (Bee-Bot) start from starting points 1 and 2. Students should lead to the chimney (termination) as quickly as possible. The first to reach wins.


5. Christmas Sudoku 


• Visual search for patterns and correlations

• Algorithmic thinking

• Patterns


Cut out the pictures on the dotted lines at the bottom of the sheet. To play Sudoku, complete each blank square with the correct image. Remember that each image must appear only once in each.


6. Christmas Tree Light-Up Puzzle Game


Light up the Christmas tree by connecting the lights. Click on the light strings and bulbs to rotate them. When a connection is made, they light up.



7. Escape room with dance workout


Solve all movement tasks and thus solve the escape room - as a reward you will be dancing with Santa Claus.




Baš je IN BITI GREEN 4.0 - 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja - Instalater grijanja i klimatizacije
Fri, Oct 11, 2024 8:46 AM

U okviru eTwinning projekta Baš je IN biti GREEN 4 izučavati će se tema o dekodiranju i ciljevima održivog razvoja.

Zadatak je dekodirati 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja. Zadatak će biti postavljan u interaktivnoj slici u digitalnom alatu Genially u obliku slagalice. Brojevi i ciljevi održivog razvoja (napissani na engleskom jeziku) kodirani su 7 -znamenkastom ASCII kodu (američkom standardnom kodu za razmjenu informacija).

Treba fotografirati  postupak dekodiranja (dekodirane brojeve i ciljeve održivog razvoja i završnu slagalicu).

Nakon dekodiranih  svih 17 ciljeva treba odabrati jedan cilj održivog razvoja, istražiti ga i prikazati u digitalnom alatu po vlastitom izboru. U digitalnom radu treba integrirati i naziv cilja koji je prikazan kodom.