Coding and recycling

From Sunday, May 12, 2024 7:00 AM
to Sunday, May 26, 2024 12:00 AM

19o Νηπιαγωγείο Θεσσαλονίκης

Open in-person activity


Μητσάκη 1, 544 53, Θεσσαλονίκη

We prepare a square grid of 5 x 6 lines (each square 15 cm x 15 cm) with chalk or paint on the floor, preferably outside in the school yard.

·       Place four (4) recycling bins (paper, glass, plastic and metal) in different places on the grid.

·       We print about 16-20 cards with various items for recycling, e.g. plastic bottle, glass jar, newspaper, can, etc (we can use and real items)

·       Each child selects randomly one card that depicts an icon of the recycling materials (or a real item)

·       The child tries to plan the path to take to drop it in the correct bin on the floor grid.

There are three different variations of the game, depending on the level of familiarity of the students or the use of Beebot:

(a)    The child uses arrow cards (forward, backward, right, left) to represent the steps needed to reach the square of the right bin on the floor grid and performs the planned route.

(b)    The child presents verbally the steps (forward, backward, right, left) that are needed to reach the square of the right bin on the floor grid, and executes the designed route.

(c)     Beebot can be used on the floor grid moving towards the right bin.


Also, this activity can be done on a table grid and the children move one Playmobil.

    Pre-primary education
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Unplugged activities Playful coding activities

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