to Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:00 AM
Akdeniz Anaokulu
Open in-person activity
Akdeniz Mahallesi /Aşık Veysel Caddesi itfaiye Yanı Mersin/Anamur
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Go out to the school garden with the children. It is stated that we will do a scavenger hunt. Children begin to collect natural objects in yellow and green.
When the collection is finished, the children try to guess what the natural materials found in pairs are.
After the estimations, natural materials are grouped according to their smell, color and texture, respectively.
The activity is collaborative, involving the kindergarten teachers: Neslin Mindavallı, Nevruz Ertugan
Pre-primary education
Unplugged activities
Playful coding activities
Longitude: 35.168953
Latitude: 39.061603
Geoposition: 39.0616029,35.16895346
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