to Tuesday, December 31, 2024 12:00 AM
Colegiul Național "Petru Rareș" Beclean
Open in-person activity
Oraş Beclean, Bistriţa-Năsăud, ROU
Let us collaborate in promoting #CodeWeek. We will use the resources provided and run activities each month, sharing and inspiring other to join as well.
#CodeWeek #fun #inspiration #JOINUS
Primary school
Secondary school
Playful coding activities
Motivation and awareness raising
Nearby upcoming activities:
The secret code of kindness
In the eTwinning project: „Good manners detectives” we have to deal with different social values, and the month of November is about KINDNESS. Children will make gestures of kindness with the help of Bee Bot or other educational robots. They will have picture cards in pairs: one half is for the game board and one is for Bee Bot. Cards that are for Bee Bot will have a sign with a little Bee Bot robot on them. The children have to choose, one by one, a card and make a gesture of kindness with the help of the robot, programming it and leading it to the right situation. Exemple: The boy gives a toy to a little girl to stop her being upset, The little girl feeds the puppy because it is hungry, etc.
With the help of the educational robot, children will learn and practice appropriate behaviors and understand how important it is to provide kindness around you. If there are partners who do not have an educational robot, one child can play the role of the educational robot and another can guide it: two steps forward, turn left, one step forward...
The activities of the partner schools will be published in a common padlet.
Oceane si mari
Activitatea isi propune sa-i introduca pe copii in coding, dar si sa le ofere posibilitatea de a invata despre oceane, mari si poluare. Activitatea e bazata pe inteligenta artificiala, este orientata spre analiza si protectia oceanelor.
Vom utiliza algoritmi de AI pentru a monitoriza sanatatea oceanelor, detectarea poluarii, protectia biodiversitatii marine si optimizarea resurselor oceanelor.
Vom folosi o resursa de pe site-ul HOUR OF CODE.
Elevii au 9-10 ani,
Determinarea formelor de relief
Determinare formelor de relief prin introducerea unei altitudinii, folosind C++.