Programamos con mblock

From Sunday, October 8, 2023 12:00 AM
to Sunday, November 26, 2023 12:00 AM

CEIP Plurilingüe Palas de Rei

Open in-person activity


Pazo de Ulloa, Palas de Rei, Lugo, Galicia, ESP


El alumnado de 4º de primaria se inicia en la programación a través del programa mblock para realizar diferentes propuestas con los mbots.

Realizamos una sesión semanal enmarcada dentro de un proyecto de innovación educativa propuesto por la Consellería de Educación (Proyecto polos creativos).

En las primeras sesiones nos centramos en el funcionamiento del programa mblock. A partir de ahí, el alumnado experimenta de forma autónoma propuestas sencillas (encender las luces, que se vea una determinada imagen en el panel LED…). A continuación, el profesorado propone diferentes prácticas para que el alumnado llegue a programar acorde a lo que se pide en ellas.

    Primary school
    Robotics Visual/Block programming

Nearby upcoming activities:

LCD AEVP @ Maker Faire Galicia
Sat, Jun 29, 2024 10:00 AM

LCD (Laboratório de Criatividade Digital) is a project from Agrupamento de Escolas Venda do Pinheiro, focused on STEAM and robotics. 


What is the project about?

This project is about fostering deep digital skill in our students, enabling them to understand the digital world, making them experiment with complex technologies, developing computational thinking skills, and experiment with arts activities where coding and robotics are languages for artistic expression.


What is the purpose of the project?

Our purpose is to challenge students and teachers to work with a range of technologies from 3D modeling to IA, using whichever projects and aproachers are better suited for learners.


How does it work?

We use a wide range of technologies to enable students to develop their projects: coding, robotics, 3D modeling and printing, Artificial Intelligence.


What does it contribute to the Maker Community?

We hope to share our experience in bringing technology based activities to our students, as well as learning from other showcased projects.


Who has realised the project?

This project is developed with teachers and students from Agrupamento de Escolas Venda do Pinheiro, in several contexts: ICT class, robotics club, primary school activities, workshops and demonstrations.

Lab Aberto @ Maker Faire Galicia
Sat, Jun 29, 2024 10:00 AM

Lab Aberto is a maker and educative association, focused on digital fabrication, STEM education, economical links and institutional colaboration.


What is the project about?

We propose to bring to Maker Faire Galicia three of our projects:

- Arduino Física, a set of practical activities for students and teacher using Arduino to explore concepts and learning outcomes from physics;

- OpenBot, a diy trainable AI-powered robot, modified from the original OpenBot project, assembled by students and used inAI activities;

- BootCamp, our bi-annual event that connects teachers, makers, companies and institutions, in a three-day event with talks,workshops, demonstrations and great mood.


What is the purpose of the project?

Lab Aberto's purposes are several: incentivize a better connection between educators and community, explore maker approaches in education, developing creative projects with schools, companies and institutions, enable STEM approaches, and, as a fablab, to be open to the local community.

How does it work?

As part of our charter, over the years we've developed several projects. Some educational, in partnerships with local schools and municipality, some maker-based. We are an open fablab, with a monthly day of activities for the wider public. We also develop faires and demonstrations at local level, as well as outreach between the maker community. Our most ambitious project is the BootCamp, a three day event with talks, demonstrations, workshops and unconferences, connecting the globalmaker community (we have regular attendees and keynote speakers from all over Europe and the US) with the local maker community, bringing together portuguese fablabs, companies and schools to share experiences.

What does it contribute to the Maker Community?

We will showcase three of our projects, showing the connections between making and education, and how school systems, teachers and students can benefit with maker approaches towards a more significant and deep learning experience.

Who has realised the project?

Projects showcased from the fablab are developed by the associates, coordinated by António Gonçalves and João Simões,associating with schools and institutions.

Art and Coding in Python with ImagiCharms
Sat, Jun 29, 2024 4:00 PM

In this session, we intend to try an introduction to Python programming using imagiCharms: small, colourful and programmable devices for pixel art.

The accesses can be programmed through a web platform or a mobile phone application. Although they are simple, designed for introduction to programming in text languages, they allow for extensive learning in the area of computational thinking as well as programming concepts. And, above all, they are fun to program, allowing for creative approaches linked to artistic expression.