to Friday, October 20, 2023 1:00 PM
6th Primary school, Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece
Open in-person activity
Sikelianou Angelou, 142 33, Nea Ionia, GRC
Learning Objectives:
1. Introduction to Basic Programming Concepts: Students will be introduced to fundamental programming concepts such as algorithms, sequencing, and problem-solving in a fun and engaging way.
2. Enhancing Critical Thinking: The activity will encourage students to think critically, analyze patterns, and make decisions based on logic.
3. Teamwork and Communication Skills: Cody Roby promotes teamwork and communication as students collaborate to create and solve coding challenges together.
4. Fine Motor Skills Development: Through hands-on manipulation of cards, students will refine their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
5. Confidence Building: Successfully completing challenges and solving problems will boost students' confidence and self-esteem.
Materials Needed:
- Cody Roby Activity Cards (Prepared in advance)
- A designated play area (e.g., classroom floor or a clear space)
- A timer (optional)
Activity 1: Introduction to Cody Roby (15 minutes)
- Start by introducing Cody Roby to the students. Explain that Cody Roby is a robot who needs their help to move around and complete tasks.
- Show them a sample Cody Roby Activity Card and discuss its components: the starting point, arrows, and the goal.
- Place a Cody Roby Card on the floor and invite a student to act as Cody Roby while following the arrows to reach the goal.
- Encourage the students to take turns being Cody Roby, and ensure everyone understands the basic concept.
Activity 2: Sequence Building (20 minutes)
- Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students each.
- Distribute a set of Cody Roby Activity Cards to each group.
- Challenge each group to create a sequence of cards that will guide Cody Roby from the starting point to the goal.
- Emphasize the importance of placing the cards in the correct order to achieve the goal.
- Allow the groups to take turns presenting their sequences, and have the rest of the class follow the instructions using a physical Cody Roby (a student acting as Cody Roby).
- Discuss the results and encourage students to make adjustments if their sequences did not work.
Activity 3: Problem-Solving Challenges (20 minutes)
- Introduce more complex Cody Roby Activity Cards with obstacles and forks in the path.
- Provide each group with a new set of cards that includes these challenges.
- Challenge the students to work together to solve the more intricate Cody Roby puzzles.
- Encourage them to discuss different strategies, consider multiple solutions, and collaborate effectively.
- Set a timer for this activity to add an element of urgency and excitement.
Formative Assessment:
- During the activities, observe students' engagement, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork.
- Encourage discussions within the groups and listen for logical reasoning in their decision-making processes.
- Provide feedback and guidance as needed to help them improve their coding sequences and problem-solving skills.
Summative Assessment:
- At the end of the Cody Roby session, assess each student's understanding by presenting them with a challenging Cody Roby puzzle to solve individually.
- Evaluate their ability to sequence the cards correctly and guide Cody Roby to the goal.
- Consider giving them different levels of puzzles based on their progress throughout the activities.
- Additionally, you can ask students to explain the concept of sequencing and how it relates to Cody Roby to gauge their comprehension.
Primary school
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