to Friday, October 6, 2023 12:00 PM
CodeWeek Community
Open online activity
A pan-European activity conducted by Alessandro Bogliolo as a live visual programming session aimed at developing a Scratch project that will become the root of remix tree.
Basic English will be used as a vehicular common language, but visual interactions will be used to overcome language barriers and speaking rate such as to facilitate the linguistic mediation of the teachers.
Thanks to an interactive streaming tool, all the participants will have the chance of voting on the key design options, so that the project will be the result of all the choices taken during the webinar.
Teachers are invited to attend the webinar together with their pupils, in order to contribute to the design by voting on the key choices.
Teachers who facilitate the participation of their classes can add the activity to the CodeWeek map as if it was a private local activity.
For organizational purpooses, teachers are invited to register using the online form linked below to receive detailed guidelines.
Primary school
Visual/Block programming
Nearby upcoming activities:
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Il sogno di Matteo: giocando con i colori
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Il progetto si articola in tre fasi:
Prima fase: lettura dell'albo illustrato: "Il sogno di Matteo" di Leo Lionni.
Seconda fase: - attività ludico-motorie per memorizzare e ricordare i concetti topoloogici: destra- sinistra-avanti-dietro, - attività di mescolanze: per ricordare e memorizzare le combinazioni di colori per formare i colori secondari
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