Creating a Maze

From Monday, October 9, 2023 5:30 PM
to Monday, October 9, 2023 7:00 PM

Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia

Open in-person activity


Šamac 2, 32000, Vukovar, Vukovarsko-srijemska županija, HRV

Creating a Maze

Task Objective: Create an interactive maze using visual programming tools and share it on the Lino board.

Task Description: Your task is to develop your own maze that users can explore through an interactive game. The maze should include the following components:

Maze Structure: Define the basic shape of the maze, including passages, walls, and an exit. The maze should be challenging enough to require users to think about the best path to the exit.

User Character: Add a character or icon that represents the user in the maze. This character will navigate through the maze to find the exit.

User Movement: Program the user's movement through the maze. Users should be able to control the character using keyboard keys or other interactive controls.

Maze Exit: Set up the maze's goal, which is the exit that the user must find. When the user reaches the exit, the game should end and display the result.

Graphic Design: To make the game visually appealing, incorporate graphic design elements that bring the maze and user character to life. You can add colors, background images, and sound effects.

Interactivity: In addition to navigating the maze, consider adding extra interactive elements or challenges that users might encounter while progressing through the game.

Uploading to the Lino Board:

After completing your maze, share your work on the Lino board located at the following link: European Code Week Lino Board. (

Please make sure to clearly label your submissions to ensure they are accessible and visible to all participants during European Code Week. This will facilitate the exchange of ideas and inspiration among your peers and fellow participants.

    Primary school Secondary school
    Visual/Block programming

Longitude: 19.00837
Latitude: 45.34635
Geoposition: 45.346349983172,19.00836996688

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