Кодираме роботче

From Monday, September 9, 2024 12:00 AM
to Friday, September 13, 2024 12:00 AM

Primary school Petar Musev

Open in-person activity


Богданци, Југоисточен

Активноста се состои во кодирање на патека на робот. На патеката се поставени карти со броеви. Учениците го програмираат роботот да оди од број до број така што збирот на проевите низ коишто поимал да биде даден број. Во зависност од возраста се поставуваат броевите. 

    Primary school

Nearby upcoming activities:

Wed, Oct 2, 2024 8:16 PM

Bullying Stops Here is a Codeweek joint project that unites students and educators from various European countries to promote safer and more inclusive school environments. This iniciative will include interactive workshops, creative activities and awarness campaign that foster empathy, respect and kindness. By encouraging cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, we aim to empower students to stand up against bullying and build a supportive community where everyone feels safe and valued. Our first activity consists in composing the different parts of a wider puzzle with european flags representing the different languages and participants on this  project uited on Codeweek platform. Other activites consist in using and increasing the tech knowledge among my students. We need this project to be approved, as it is already done for my colleagues participants on this project, so I can join and start the programmed activities. 

Activities with Micro:bit
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 4:14 PM

1. Activities with micro:bit:

- Times table tester with microbit.

- Thermometer in Kelvins, Fahrenheits and degrees Celsius.

2. Unplugged activities.

3. Activities with Scratch



Creative Coders
Mon, Oct 21, 2024 1:30 PM

Учениците ќе учествуваат во различни кодирачки активности. Низ решавање на проблеми и креативност ќе се запознаат со основните концепти на кодирање без компјутери.