
From Tuesday, October 18, 2022 9:00 AM
to Tuesday, October 18, 2022 11:00 AM

Liceul Tehnologic "Alexandru Macedonski"

Open in-person activity


Melineşti, Dolj, ROU

Students of 8th grade (last year of lower secondary school) will learn to create facial recognition applications with PictoBlox app. Objectives: - Development of algorithmic thinking by solving elementary problems in a creative and inventive spirit - Elaboration of computer products capitalizing on the connections between computer science and society Implementing algorithms in a programming environment in order to solve computer problems - Using a virtual environment for implementing artificial intelligence At the end of the activity students will be able to: -use PictoBlox to reccognize their facial expressions -use facial reccognition to start/stop an action or sound -save the application and use it afterwards


    Primary school Secondary school
    Visual/Block programming Artificial intelligence

Nearby upcoming activities:

STEM, culoare și învățare cu ARTIE
Tue, Oct 22, 2024 5:00 PM

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Artie este un roboțel pentru învățarea programării de către copii, unde aceștia trebuie să creeze codurile, iar Artie să le urmeze și să deseneze liniile.

Bricolajul, sursa pentru sănătatea mintala
Fri, Oct 20, 2023 8:00 AM
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EcoTechno - Coding for a cleaner environment
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 1:00 PM

These activities are intended for secondary school students from the 3 partner schools of the Erasmus+ project 2023-2-PL01-KA210 SCH-000174734 with the title "European inspirations in teaching - ECOlogical action and TECHNOlogical application" and aim to integrate coding with ecological issues, showing how technology can contribute to environmental protection. Students will explore basic programming concepts using interactive resources at studio.code.org and create small projects that simulate technological solutions to environmental problems.

The activities are structured as follows:

- Introduction to sequencing and logical steps

- Working with loops and conditionals

- Final project - Creating an ecological game

Resources used:






More info about our Erasmus+ project: https://ecotechno-erasmus.weebly.com/