to Tuesday, October 18, 2022 11:00 AM
Liceul Tehnologic "Alexandru Macedonski"
Open in-person activity
Melineşti, Dolj, ROU
Students of 8th grade (last year of lower secondary school) will learn to create facial recognition applications with PictoBlox app. Objectives: - Development of algorithmic thinking by solving elementary problems in a creative and inventive spirit - Elaboration of computer products capitalizing on the connections between computer science and society Implementing algorithms in a programming environment in order to solve computer problems - Using a virtual environment for implementing artificial intelligence At the end of the activity students will be able to: -use PictoBlox to reccognize their facial expressions -use facial reccognition to start/stop an action or sound -save the application and use it afterwards
Primary school
Secondary school
Visual/Block programming
Artificial intelligence
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Avatarul scriitorului preferat
Literatura nu are granițe, iar rolul ei în dezvoltarea societății umane este unul primordial. Dacă „la început a fost Cuvântul”, atunci Scrisul este nu doar mărturia celor spuse, dar și a celor făcute, descoperite și trăite. Scriitorii, prin condeiul și talentul lor, au dat lumii literatură de mare valoare, contribuind esențial la dezvoltarea culturii și a spiritualității, la îmbogățirea lexicului și a exprimării în limba maternă.
Prin această activitate, doresc ca elevii să creeze avatarul scriitorului preferat cu ajutorul AI sau al aplicațiilor de programare cunoscute, dezvoltându-și creativitatea și abilitățile de lucru pe calculator.
From Words to Art: Visualizing Emotions through AI
Visualizing Emotions through AI aims to develop students’ English language skills through creative writing while introducing them to the world of AI-generated art. Students will write essays or short stories exploring a range of emotions and then use AI tools to generate images that visually represent the emotions or main ideas from their stories. This project promotes both linguistic and digital creativity, fostering deeper engagement with language through modern technology.
Balancing Emotions: An 'Inside Out' Journey through Math and STEAM Crack the code and guide Leo to the monkey
This is a coding activity designed for EU Code Week and aims to introduce preschoolers the basic coding concepts.
Students receive a coded message consisting of colorful smiley faces in a row, which form the path on the grid for the lion to reach the monkey!
Students consult the reference board, showing which colorful face, each arrow represents, place the arrows on the grid and lead the lion to the monkey. Coding mystery and fun will excite the participants!
This activity is part of the eTwinning project "Balancing Emotions: An 'Inside-Out' journey through Math and Steam''