to Friday, October 21, 2022 10:00 AM
7ο Νηπιαγωγείο Τυρνάβου
Open in-person activity
Οδός 26, αριθμός 30, 40100,Τύρναβος
It's Code Week's Birthday!!! We will prepare a Birthday Beebot Map where students will program Beebot to collect presents and go to her birthday cake. All schools will "hide" a present in a square and upload the code in order for other schools to guess where these presents are. For schools without robots, the activity will take place unplugged.
Pre-primary education
Primary school
Nearby upcoming activities:
Προγραμματισμός- Scratch
Οι μαθητές δημιουργούν διάφορες εργασίες με Scratch
Προγραμματίζω με Scratch
Οι μαθητές δημιουργούν διάφορες εργασίες με Scratch
In January, students carry out a coding activity consisting of completing worksheets containing drawings and given codes (numbers/colors). Students will discover the image formed by the codes, thus combining the computer-free coding activity with art and creativity.