Pixel Education

From Wednesday, September 21, 2022 10:00 AM
to Thursday, October 5, 2023 8:00 AM

Liceul Teoretic ”David Voniga” Giroc, Timis

Open in-person activity


Strada Trandafirilor 57, 307220, Giroc, Timiș, ROU

In cadrul acestei activitati elevii vor intelege ce este tehnica pixel art, vor alege personajul preferat dintr-o poveste sau desen animat si vor realiza o plansa/ desen respectand codul culorilor indicate. Fiind o activitate si zi speciala, vom realiza e expozitie fizica in scoala cu planse, dar si online, intrucat vor participa mai multi elevi din scoli si tari diferite

    Primary school
    Unplugged activities Art and creativity

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Eu pot, eu codez, eu mă bucur
Sat, Oct 7, 2023 7:00 AM

Elevii din diferite școli din țară și din străinătate vor desfășura activități distractive de codare a culorilor. Elevii vor programa cu ajutorul sistemelor de codare, vor folosi aplicația Quiver, vor folosi instrumente de desen pe Pixel Art, abordând teme de viață sănătoasă.

Neumann 120
Mon, Oct 16, 2023 12:00 AM

Neumann János születésének 120. évfordulója alkalmával egy online szabadulószobás játékot készítettünk. A szabadulószoba feladatain keresztül bővebb betekintést tehetünk Neumann János életébe.

A játékhoz elengedhetetlen Neumann János önéletrajzának ismerete: https://njszt.hu/hu/page/neumann-janos-eletrajza

És itt: https://kepmas.hu/hu/neumann-janos-matematikus-informatikai-forradalom-elinditoja-neumann-elv-elso-szamitogep

Inspiring Museums/ 18th of May Museums Day
Mon, Apr 29, 2024 10:00 AM

1. Students show the way to the museum with the help of arrows. 2. Students discover the words by deciphering the given code.