to Friday, October 14, 2022 4:00 PM
Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung
Open online activity
Starke Apps von starken Mädchen! Bei Technovation Girls Germany entwickeln Mädchen zwischen 10 und 18 ihre eigene App, unterstützt von Mentor:innen aus Unternehmen.
Im Oktober starten wir gemeinsam in die neue Saison 2022/2023 und du bist herzlich zu der Kick-off Veranstaltung eingeladen! Du wirst mehr über Technovation erfahren, andere Mädchen kennenlernen und einen ersten kleinen Einblick in die Ideenentwicklung von Apps erhalten.
Wenn du Lust hast, kannst du dich bereits vor der Veranstaltung für Technovation anmelden:
Alle Infos zum Programm findest du hier:
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Secondary school
Mobile app development
Nearby upcoming activities:
AI in STEM Challenge
AI will shape our future! Therefore, our member country Science on Stage Germany invites you and your students to apply with an innovative approach to using AI.
Your students
- identify a challenge, regionally or globally
- explore how AI can help solve this problem
- design, code, and refine their own AI application
Topics could be: sustainability and environment, health, mobility, diversity, inclusion, etc.
Be inspired by our material: AI in STEM Education
How can you participate?
Develop a project with your students and document the implementation in English in the form of a poster and short film (max. 2 minutes). You submit your application online. Deadline: 23 February 2025.
Who can participate?
European primary and secondary STEM teachers or teachers in training with their students.
What are the evaluation criteria?
Creativity, activity of the students, involvement of the environment (school, city, region), innovation, sustainability, possible applications in practice and presentation of the results.
What happens next?
An international jury will select the ten best teams from the submissions (three students + two teachers per team). They will present their results at the international final on June 6th, 2025 in Berlin.
What can you win?
- For the teachers of the first three winning teams: Participation in the next European Science on Stage festival
- For students: Surprise