Sponge Bob and AI meets eTwinning Dreamers from "I have a DREAM project"

From Wednesday, October 20, 2021 12:00 AM
to Friday, December 17, 2021 12:00 AM

Obchodní akademie a VOŠE Tábor

Open in-person activity


Obchodní akademie a Vyšší odborná škola ekonomická Tábor, Jiráskova 1615/2, 390 02, Tábor, Jihočeský kraj, CZE

The students that participate in the eTwinning project "I have a dream" 2021-2022 explore the World of Artificial Intelligence with a series of activities

a) theoretical approach and work in forums

b) a quiz to check the basic concepts

c) training collaboratively a chatbox

d) creating projects on scratch, micro:bit with materials created through AI applications

e) multiple activities according to students' interests (differentiative, inclusive learning) that lead to multiple collaborative productions

f) sum up of the experiences in a forum 

g) live events among classes and a poll

    Secondary school
    Basic programming concepts Unplugged activities Playful coding activities Visual/Block programming Artificial intelligence

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