Sustainable Coding@Erasmus

From Monday, November 1, 2021 9:00 AM
to Friday, November 5, 2021 5:00 PM

Agrupamento de Escolas Venda do Pinheiro

Invite-only in-person activity


Venda do Pinheiro, Mafra, Lisboa, PRT

As part of the Sustainability: A Future for All Erasmus project training meet in Portugal, participants will attend a series of workshops on coding, robotics and 3D printing, focused on the role of technology to address climate change challenges.

Our project is called: “Sustainability: learn, change, live – A future for everyone”. The watchword is “SUSTAINABILITY”, the imperative is “TRANSFORM OUR WORLD BY EDUCATING THE YOUTH” and the change cannot fail to pass through school.

We will focus on the Goals of the Agenda 2030 inspired by the document “WHAT YOU CAN DO!”. We want to give European relevance to the topic and benefit by exchanging good practices, training for active citizenship. This path is intended to incorporate pedagogical guidelines regarding common aspects of our cultures, the plurality of languages, social integration to promote inclusion.

    Robotics Art and creativity Visual/Block programming 3D printing

Longitude: -9.23275
Latitude: 38.92415
Geoposition: 38.924150000000054,-9.232749999999953

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