Live streaming Maker Faire Rome 2021 - Smart robot cars (On path of Tesla's wireless vision – No wires no problem)

From Friday, October 8, 2021 10:00 AM
to Sunday, October 10, 2021 7:30 PM

Gymnasium Vukovar & Maker Faire Rome

Open online activity


Piazza del Gazometro, 00154, Rome, Roma, ITA

Participation on Maker Faire Rome 2021 with project Smart robot cars (On path of Tesla's wireless vision – No wires no problem). 

Digital Maker Faire Rome - Friday 8 – Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 October 10:00 am – 7:00 pm Online at  Following the success of last year’s edition, this year, Maker Faire Rome will be accompanied by a completely revamped digital platform, which will open to the public on 8 October. You will be able to explore the featured projects from home, meet over 300 exhibitors and interact with makers and innovators from all sectors simply by clicking on a link. It will be easy to meet them during their live broadcasts.

Online during Maker Faire Rome 2021 at the following times: 2021-10-08 10:00-12:00; 2021-10-09 12:15-14:15; 2021-10-10 17:15-19:15 (

Something about our project:

Although spotlighted by social distancing, 2021 brought a great number of news related to digital technology and was designated as a year of wireless management and connectivity. Combining a direct and virtual meetings and activities through play, learning and creation resulted with a small fleet of three remotely operated intelligent robotic cars using Bluetooth voice and manual management and NRF24L01 communication module and Joystick. These intelligent devices are based on the wireless transmission of signals using the principle of radio transmission whose initiator was Nikola Tesla. The use of our wireless devices enhances the knowledge and skills of all learners by enabling learners with disabilities to engage on an equal development in the educational process, where every student has the right to acquire experiences in accordance with their developing abilities. 

Nikola Tesla, whose name became synonymous for the famous discoveries and innovations, once wrote: “Our first attempts are completely instinctive, full-bodied, living, and indiscriminate. The older we are, our sense is confirmed more and more, and we are becoming increasingly systematic and reflective. But these early incentives, although ineffective at the time, are very significant and can shape our true destiny.”

Encouraging children from an early childhood to target activities has a major impact on the further development of their skills and interests. That is precisely the case, the assembly and programming of highly intelligent robotic cars is becoming the predictor for development of spatial skills relevant to the understanding of mathematical and engineering concepts that, combined with Arduino technology, form a win-win combination. Our aim is to encourage students to work with Arduino technologies as one of the creative ways to acquire new knowledge and skills, a step forward from known to unpredictable leads us into a new adventure, where we intuitively know that unpredictable will bring us to achieve a desired goal!

In a year of wireless management and connectivity, we created a project based on Tesla’s development of a wireless signal transmission device with whom a genius for the future established the foundations of today’s radio and mobile communications and paved the way for the development of completely new branches of electrical engineering, automation, remote control. Our devices can be used by children with disabilities, which makes them equal and active participants in an educational process that respects their needs, opportunities, and abilities.


    Primary school Secondary school Higher Education Employed adults Unemployed adults Other (see description) Teachers
    Basic programming concepts Mobile app development Software development Robotics Hardware Playful coding activities Internet of things and wearable computing Motivation and awareness raising

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