Create an Avatar in 2D, 3D and Scratch.

From Wednesday, September 15, 2021 9:00 AM
to Tuesday, December 21, 2021 5:30 PM

Agrupamento de Escolas Cidade do Entroncamento

Open in-person activity



Topic of activity:3D modeling and introduction to visual language (programming). Learning objectives: Develop a vocabulary that can help you express ideas. Model and 3D print, Develop creativity, use mathematical calculation and critical thinking to solve real world problems. Know artificial intelligence, contact with visual programming language, and learn from mistakes; work collaboratively. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR AI LEARNING ACTIVITY Teacher will be responsible for organizing and explaining the activity and presenting the materials and resources needed for these activities. On the other hand, he/she will give step-by-step instructions and tutorials for the activities to be performed. Students will work in pairs, with the help of tutorials and simplified instructions, in order to develop their communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills as autonomously as possible. The estimated duration is provided for each unit of the class, giving the flexibility to adjust as needed. 1. This activity begins with a video about Artificial Intelligence [1], followed by a brief reflection on the topic. 2. Students design an avatar based on themselves or a fictional person. 3. They take a detailed inventory of the avatar's physical characteristics. 4. Draw a 2D sketch of the avatar, in AutoDraw or with other artistic materials [2]. 5. Model their avatar in 3D, in the Tinkercad [3]. 6. They collaboratively evaluate their drawing (binary Yes/No rating) in relation to the characteristics defined previously. 7. Share the avatar with colleagues. 8. Use the program Meshmixer to correct the 3D avatars [4]. 9. Print the avatar on the 3D printer. At this stage it is intended that the student: - Develop a vocabulary that can help him/her express ideas. - Create a 2D representation of a character. - Create a 3D Avatar in Tinkercad. - Use mathematical computation to solve real-world problems. - Present a 3D avatar to the teacher or the class. 10. We are now going to explore and experiment with Scratch [5]. 11. Create your avatar in the Scrathc [6]. 12. Finish your avatar and present it to your classmates. The student: - Contact with visual programming language (initiation) - Develop creativity and logical thinking, - Think to think, - Learn from mistakes. Materials needed: PC, 3D printer, and free applications: AutoDraw, Tinkercad, Meshmixer and Scratch. [1] (2:55); [2] AutoDraw;[3]; [4]; [5] Europe Code Week; [6]

    Primary school Secondary school
    3D printing Artificial intelligence

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