Doodle 3D activity

From Sunday, March 7, 2021 12:00 AM
to Wednesday, March 31, 2021 12:00 AM


Open in-person activity


Galicia, ESP

Subject: Science, Maths, Arts Title of activity: My Doodle 3D city Topic of activity: Making a city with Doodle 3D Learning objectives: Objectives related to AI: -Familiarise students with AI algorithms. -Discover the role of AI in producing digital 3D images, by using simple creativity tools. Other objectives involved in this lesson: -Recognise different ways to represent the space. -Identify different types of housing according to the place: city-village. -Identify different shapes (triangle, square, rectangle…) -Recognise sizes: big, small, medium size. -Recognise warm and cold colours. They also develop their competencies: -Digital competence: using Doodle 3D tool and computers/tablets. -Competence in Mathematics, Sicence and Technology: using Doodle 3D tool, identifying different types of shapes and lines. - Competence in Linguistic Communication: when explaining the housing and where it can be found and why and when debating about Doodle 3D. - Learning to learn: Students will develop their own material with Doodle 3D. -Social and Civic competence as they have a brief debate and express their opinions about their classmates’ works in a respectful way. -Sense of Iniciative and Entrepreneurship: they must know how to represent what they want to express based in a previous draft and they make decisions during the process of designing. -Cultural Awareness and Expression as they develop their creativity. Preparation time: 10 min. This task does not require a lot of time to be prepare. You must consider the materials at your disposal such as computers or tablets. Important aspects: -Students must be familiar with the use of computers/tablets. -Students must have a previous knowledge related to the topic. If students are not familiar with the use of tablets, computers or Doodle 3D, you may need an extra session to develop this task. Teaching time: The estimated duration for this activity is 50 minutes Materials needed: Internet. Tablets or computers. Doodle 3D app. Paper and pencils to make a previous draft. Proper space to develop the lesson. Age of students: First grade_ Primary School Other relevant remarks: -Number of students: 14 -Requires previous knowledge related to the topic and shapes. -This activity requires a previous knowledge of how to use tablets/computers. -This activity will be suited for whatever way of teaching-learning situation: physical classroom and hybrid or online if the students count with the app on their devices, though it won´t be printed. INTRODUCTION • What is a 3D object? • Could you point any 3D objects around you? • Do you think that you could draw objects in 3D? To make the concept of 3D objects clear, students can watch this video: MAIN PART Students explore the possibilities of Doodle 3D. They’ll start drawing different types of lines and shapes (triangle, rectangle, square) and they will observe what happen with their drawings. Having done that, they will have to design and draw a house with different shapes. They will also have to fill in their drawings choosing cold or warm colours. Teacher will act as a guide helping students to overcome difficulties. Teacher will also challenge and encourage them to be as much creative as possible. WRAP UP Students will make their hypothesis about how Doodle 3D works. We will have a debate following these questions: How can a machine transform your drawing in a 3D shape? How could AI make decisions? Teacher will write the hypothesis in a digital whiteboard (classroom screen) and guide them in their ideas to get to understand how AI works. FOLLOW UP Once the designs are finished, students will compare the result with the drawing they made previously. In groups, they will be grouped to make their own city. They will mention other buildings they can find in their village/city. They will explain their classmates the shapes and colours they include in their designs. Then, we will reflect on this: Will a machine build the houses of the future? Would you like to design your future house and live in it? Teacher will moderate the debate.

    Primary school

Longitude: -7.910781
Latitude: 42.756448
Geoposition: 42.756448359000046,-7.910781242999974

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Thu, Oct 24, 2024 1:41 AM

¿de que estamos hablando?

Una de las ACTIVIDADES que ofrece el VOLUNTARIADO es Escritura Creativa. Teniendo en cuenta que los textos que priorizamos durante este curso son los relativos al TEATRO, y que un momento para diseñar actividades específicas son las CONMEMORACIONES, proponemos desde la Biblio:


Conmemoraciones a escena
Thu, Oct 24, 2024 1:41 AM

¿de que estamos hablando?

Una de las ACTIVIDADES que ofrece el VOLUNTARIADO es Escritura Creativa. Teniendo en cuenta que los textos que priorizamos durante este curso son los relativos al TEATRO, y que un momento para diseñar actividades específicas son las CONMEMORACIONES, proponemos desde la Biblio:


Crea una casa más humana con IA
Mon, Nov 11, 2024 7:49 PM

Esta actividad de aprendizaje tiene como objetivo introducir a los estudiantes en el mundo de los sistemas de automatización del hogar integrados con inteligencia artificial. Responde a la necesidad de comprender cómo la tecnología actual permite crear espacios más eficientes, seguros y personalizados a través de sistemas inteligentes que aprenden de los hábitos de los usuarios.

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  • Conceptos de domótica actual.
  • Integración de la IA en sistemas de automatización.
  • Programación básica de sistemas de control.
  • Soluciones eficientes para la gestión energética y la seguridad.
