to Friday, October 16, 2020 8:00 PM
Invite-only online activity
Școala cu clasele I-VIII Octavian Goga, Strada Doctor Vasile Lucaciu, Baia Mare, Maramureș, ROU
"The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 and eTwinning project is based on the UNESCO and national cultural heritage of the six European partner countries involved (Romania, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Iceland and Portugal). Through #ERASMUSDAYS 2020 we wanted to promote and disseminate our project, the activities and the final products we've done so far. One of the final products is a collection of culturally based Scratch games made by some of our students for the project. The games were played by all the participants during this event as a closure of the activities of the day.
Primary school
Game design
Longitude: 23.58848
Latitude: 47.6613
Geoposition: 47.66130000000004,23.58848000000006
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