Braille coded writing

From Sunday, January 31, 2021 10:00 AM
to Sunday, January 31, 2021 12:00 PM

Liceul Tehnologic Special nr.1 Oradea

Open in-person activity


Școala George Barițiu Oradea, Strada George Baritiu, 410020, Oradea, Bihor, ROU

I would like to introduce students to Braille coding The Braille alphabet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "PREMIER" The Braille alphabet is a writing system used by the visually impaired. The letters are composed of embossed dots that can be felt with your fingers. The letters A to Z each have corresponding signs in Braille. The system was created by Louis Braille in 1825. The system is based on a six-point matrix arranged in two columns of three points each, benefiting from the following notation as follows: Point 1 in the upper left, row 1 column 1; Point 2 in the middle left, row two column 1; Point 3 in the lower left, row 3 column 1; Point 4 in the upper right, row 1, column 2; Point 5 in the middle right, row 2 column 2; Item 6, bottom right, row 3, column 2. In order to achieve as many characters and symbols as possible, the system uses numerous arrangements of the 63 combinations of points of the fundamental group. The 63 possible combinations of this pattern make up letters, numbers, punctuation marks, common words as well as, a, o. A much larger number of signs from various systems such as mathematical, logical, musical, etc. can be represented. . The Braille system also uses context to give the same arrangement of signs or combination of points multiple meanings. The Braille Code for the English language was adopted only in 1932 [1]. Braille can be handwritten - right to left - using a paper dot. When the sheet is turned upside down, the dots stand out and the text can be read from left to right; it can also be done with the help of classical tools, tablets and pointers, with typewriters (analogous to those of typing) or with the help of access technology (Braille printers analogous to standard ones). The Braille writing system, which will be exposed in the following after Roth (1973, p.25-27), has the following main features: a) All signs and letters are formed by combinations of points within a group of 6 points, which is called the “fundamental group” or “fundamental sign” and is the “unit of measure” for all operations within the Braille system. The fundamental group This 6-point field allows 63 combinations or permutations of points, a sufficient number to render the letters and signs of any language clearly and differently. The combinations of points that do not exceed the number of six can be noticed simultaneously with the help of the fingertips in the act of reading. This law becomes a principle of Braille writing-first on the basis of empirical observations, and later by experimental checks in psychology laboratories. Thus, it was found that a complex tactile stimulus that includes more than six elements presents particular difficulties for the operation of analysis and synthesis and can only be perceived successively, by counting. Braille, which did not have a psychological training, but had a rich experience of "touch reader", noticed this legitimacy and put it at the foundation of his writing system. b) Another feature of the Braille writing system is that all combinations of points from which the letters and signs result are not made at random, but are established according to a certain rule, namely according to the principle of decades, a mathematical principle that gives this system a logical and cohesive character. Thus, the first 10 signs ("first decade") are formed in the upper part of the fundamental group, being made up of points 1, 2, 4, and 5: a b c d e f g h i j If point 3 is added to the signs of the first decade, the signs of the second decade are obtained: k l m n o p q r s t By adding point 6 to the signs of the second decade, we obtain the last letters: u v x y z The characteristic signs of the Romanian language are: s a a i t The main punctuation marks are formed according to the same rule, being identical with the signs of the first decade, lowered from the level of points 1, 2, 4, 5 to the level of points 2, 3, 5, 6: vir- point two point sign sem- pa- ghili- stelu- ghi- gula and question marks null your rank comma excla- teza deschi- inchi the sea is se In addition to the punctuation marks formed from the first decade, the following are also used: linear apostrophe sign of dialogue As can be seen, the dialogue sign consists of a combination of points for which two fundamental groups are needed. In fact, it is the only sign, within the basic signs, for which there is a need for two fundamental groups. c) Another feature of the Braille writing system can be considered the use of "preceding signs". There are a number of special signs that are not found in ordinary writings and that-placed before other signs-change their value, giving them another meaning. In this way the possibilities, relatively small, of the combinations within the fundamental group increase a lot. Such special precursor signs are, for example; capital letter, digit sign, etc. If a Braille letter is preceded by a capital letter (paragraphs 4 and 6), it is converted to a capital letter. The digit sign (point 3, 4, 5, 6) converts the signs of the first decade into numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 d) Finally, another feature of the Braille system must be mentioned, namely its universality. The universality of Braille writing actually has several aspects: on the one hand, we must understand by this feature that Braille writing is not a simple alphabet, but a system of writing and notation that includes the alphabet, punctuation marks, an abbreviation system and shorthand, mathematical writing, musical notation, etc. On the other hand, unlike Braille's previous writings, this system is suitable for both reading and writing and printing. By the universal character of the Braille system we also mean its international spread, and, if we take into account not the number of people who write and read in Braille, but the extent of the territory in which this writing system is spread, then we can say that the alphabet Braille is the most widespread writing system in the world.

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