Think Green!

From Monday, October 19, 2020 8:00 AM
to Friday, October 23, 2020 1:00 PM

Sveti Sava

Open in-person activity


Ulica Nemanjina 27B, 23300, Kikinda, Severno-Banatski Okrug, Vojvodina, SRB

The students are divided into teams of 3-4. The students from one team take turns to set up the questions and prize on the grid. The students from another team choose one player who will be a 'robot'. They create an algorithm for their 'robot' to reach the prize. The 'robot' follows the verbal instructions given by the rest of the team, like 'Move forward', 'Turn right', or 'Turn left'. CodyRoby cards are used for the instructions. Thanks to unplugged cooperative games, Class 1 students will listen to their peers' instructions, move around the board on the ground, think about the ways to solve environmental problems and help planet Earth, answer different questions about animals in danger, have fun and get familiarised with the principles of coding along the way. Older students will be using Scratch to create educational games in English about endangered animals or our town's symbol - owls. Students will learn how to use Scratch while creating a game and practise English along the way. Students of other classes, as well as our eTwinning friends, will be given a chance to learn more about endangered animals and owls. Thanks to game design activities, Class 5 students will develop their digital competences and improve their communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving. These coding activities can help students raise motivation and awareness in the learning process.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Unplugged activities Playful coding activities Game design Motivation and awareness raising

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