to Thursday, October 15, 2020 11:00 PM
Liceul Atanasie Marienescu
Open online activity
Grupul Școlar Atanasie Marinecu, Strada Nicolae Titulescu, 315400, Lipova, Arad, ROU
Fun coding activities
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Longitude: 21.6934
Latitude: 46.09248
Geoposition: 46.09248000000008,21.693400000000054
Nearby upcoming activities:

Inspiring Museums/ 18th of May Museums Day
1. Students show the way to the museum with the help of arrows. 2. Students discover the words by deciphering the given code.

Országos Méh-Ész Logikai Verseny
Részvétel az Országos Méh-Ész Logikai Verseny gyakorlófeladatának megoldásában.

Water day
we will code with labirinth and drops of water from paper and arrows