to Saturday, October 31, 2020 12:00 AM
Istituto Comprensivo G. leopardi
Open in-person activity
Via Domenico Cirillo 18, 85100, Potenza, ITA
Le classi quinte della Scuola Primaria Stigliani per l'anno scolastico 2020/2021 partecipano ad un progetto etwinning "Web2 English" dove si intende integrare gli strumenti web nelle lezioni di inglese, creando dei giochi, flashcard, puzzle, ecc. Tutti i partners del progetto stanno organizzando delle attività durante gli eventi #Codeweek. Pertanto, tra il 14 ottobre fino alla fine del mese di ottobre, si svolgeranno alcune attività di coding e pixel art in inglese per rafforzare la lingua.
Primary school
Unplugged activities
Playful coding activities
Art and creativity
Game design
Nearby upcoming activities:
Explore the Oceans with Artificial Intelligence and STEAM-Blue school
This project is expected to be open to student-centered work under teacher guidance. We want to work with IT, math, science, English and classroom teachers. We are waiting for schools that have experience in using digital tools or want to develop in this field. The project will cover students between 9-15 years old. Project Activities: Students will develop projects, create digital storybooks and podcasts using digital math tools and AI applications. Mixed school teams focusing on different disciplines will be formed and work collaboratively. These teams will focus on the concept of Sustainability. The concept of Sustainable Development with its Economic, Ecological, Energy and Social Dimensions, Ocean literacy and Ocean literacy principles, and will produce projects in areas such as mathematics, informatics, English and science that build understanding about the ocean such as awareness, knowledge, attitude, communication, behavior and activism in our students. Final deliverables: SteAm Discovery Portal, Interactive Digital Storybook and Steam Podcast Series. Expectations from Partners: Active collaboration between students and teachers. Develop interdisciplinary projects using digital tools. Track project progress through regular online meetings with partner schools. We will support students' collaborative work with online activities.
coding e pensiero computazionale in classe 2 A
Istituto Comprensivo Ex Circolo Didattico Rionero. La classe 3A del Plesso di San Fele parteciperà con l'attività su'Ora del Codice.
Coding e pensiero computazionale
Istituto Comprensivo Ex Circolo Didattico Rionero.
La classe 2A plesso di San Fele parteciperà con l'attività su - l'ora del codice.