Digitalni eko dizajn u funkciji životne sredine

From Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:00 AM
to Thursday, October 22, 2020 1:00 PM

Centar za podsticanje dijaloga i tolerancije

Open online activity


Ul. Gradski bedem 3/a
32000 Cacak

Digitalno kreiranje ekološki prihvatljivih idejnih rešenja sastojaće se u tome da će učesnici dobiti fotografije (7 dana pre samog događaja) neuređenih prostora na otvorenom: dvorišta kolektivnog stanovanja i delova zapuštenih javnih površina. Učesnici online radionice koristeći digitalne alate Photoshop i Illustrator napraviće nacrte dizajnerskih eko rešenja za uređenje tih prostora u cilju stvaranja lepše i zdravije životne sredine. U radionici će učestvovati 6 timova od po 5 studenata starosti 20-24 godine koji će u saradnji sa stručnjacima iz oblasti IT, grafičkog dizajna i održivog razvoja razviti jedinstvena idejna rešenja. Kreativna rešenja će biti ponuđena lokalnoj zajednici koja će imati mogućnost da ih implementira. Ideja ovog koncepta je da se poveže ekologija, dizajn i tehnologija, a od mladih se očekuje da svojom inspiracijom kreiraju inovativna eko rešenja. U kreiranju rešenja insistiraće se na korišćenju određenih vrsta 'otpada'-odbačenih predmeta, čiji će životni vek biti produžen zahvaljujući primeni cirkularne ekonomije.Zanimljiv spoj primenjene ekologije, dizajna i tehnologije motivisaće mlade da dobrim idejama mogu da menjaju svet i ambijent u okruženju!

    Other (see description)

Nearby upcoming activities:

Code and draw
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Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe
Tue, Oct 10, 2023 10:00 AM

The "Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe" is an exciting eTwinning project designed for 17-year-old students from Serbia and France. This collaborative initiative aims to promote cross-cultural understanding, teamwork, and STEM skills through the creation of Arduino-based autonomous robots. Students will work in international teams, fostering friendships and collaboration between different cultures. The project culminates in a series of challenges, including friendly robot competitions and races, where teams compete to achieve the best times while navigating special-shaped circuits.

Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe
Tue, Oct 10, 2023 8:00 AM

The "Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe" is an exciting eTwinning project designed for 17-year-old students from Serbia and France. This collaborative initiative aims to promote cross-cultural understanding, teamwork, and STEM skills through the creation of Arduino-based autonomous robots. Students will work in international teams, fostering friendships and collaboration between different cultures. The project culminates in a series of challenges, including friendly robot competitions and races, where teams compete to achieve the best times while navigating special-shaped circuits.