STEM robotics workshop

From Monday, October 19, 2020 9:00 AM
to Wednesday, October 21, 2020 6:00 PM

Association of Serbian professors of informatics

Invite-only online activity


Ekonomsko Trgovinska skola Kikinda, Ulica Dr Zorana Djindjica, 23300, Kikinda, Severno-Banatski Okrug, Vojvodina, SRB

The basic idea of this program is to encourage logical thinking, and to promote science, technology and electronics in an educational and interesting way. Students from elementary schools will learn through online workshops how to make mechanical creatures / robots / race car. In addition to mechanical work and electronics, students from elementary schools will have the opportunity to design the look of their robots and make them exactly they want. Robots in schools are at this time certainly the best educational tool in STEM education. By making robots and various mechanisms, children have great fun, but also learn how various mechanical devices work. They assemble different models of robots that will later be programmed to perform certain tasks. During the development of the model, they go through all the phases present in STEM design: from defining the problem, through planning, making a solution, its modification, and finally explaining the solution. Students are from several primary and High schools, 11 to 18 years old, and they will participate in the workshops. It will lasts for three days per 3 school hours by class.

    Primary school Secondary school
    Data manipulation and visualisation Robotics

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