Hopscotch coding

From Sunday, October 11, 2020 7:00 AM
to Saturday, October 17, 2020 11:30 PM

Mateřská ˇŠkola Na Přesypu

Open in-person activity



Mateřská škola na Přesypu, Na Přesypu 441/4, 182 00, Praha 8, Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZE

Hopscotch Coding is a simple, block off-line coding that is ideal for kindergarten. The children spread out pictograms on the coding pad, which symbolize a certain instruction: "turn around, put your hands up, cross your arms, jump, put your hands on your head, clap, kick, stand on one leg, etc.". The movement activity card can be placed on the loop card (how many times the activity will be repeated). The children create pictograms and a code on the coding pad with the help of arrow cards. It must go through all the fields on which the instruction pictograms are located.


    Pre-primary education
    Unplugged activities

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