From Monday, February 10, 2020 7:00 AM
to Friday, February 14, 2020 11:30 PM

IFRIM NICOLETA Școala Gimnazială Ion Creangă Buzău, România

Open online activity

Strada Victoriei 60A, 120094, Buzău, ROU

Digital technologies provide you with a world of possibilities at your fingertips. Yet, the internet also opens up certain risks to its users – especially the most vulnerable ones, such as children: privacy concerns, cyberbullying, disinformation, exposure to potentially harmful content and predatory behaviours. How can we ensure access to a safe and stimulating online environment for the greatest number, where they can make the most of a wealth of opportunities, while at the same time mitigating its negative side-effects? Together, we have the power to inspire positive changes online and to raise awareness of the issues that matter to us. Safer Internet Day aims to promote a responsible, respectful, critical and creative use of digital technologies, especially among children and young people, and to call on all stakeholders to play their part in creating a better internet. With a global, community-led approach, Safer Internet Day encourages everyone to come together and play their part for a better internet. We invite you to join the movement and play your part for a better internet, on the next edition of Safer Internet Day on Tuesday, 11 February 2020!

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    Motivation and awareness raising

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