to Thursday, December 12, 2019 2:00 PM
Școala Gimnazială Octavian Goga Baia Mare
Invite-only online activity
Strada Doctor Vasile Lucaciu, 430341, Baia Mare, Maramureș, ROU
The 2nd virtual meeting with teachers and students of the "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project involves all the 6 partner schools: Romania, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Italy and Portugal. During this meeting students will present the greeting cards they made for the Winter postcard exchange, sing together some traditional Christmas carols/ Winter songs of each partner country, share some traditional Christmas and New Year food recipes, present some of the handmade products they made during the "Let's celebrate Autumn!" workshops, etc. This activity represents another way of getting in touch with the intangible cultural heritage of each partner country related to traditions, food, songs, etc. During the meeting we will also celebrate the Code Week and encourage our students to create some Scratch games on the winter or cultural heritage theme during this Winter vacation and share them on a Padlet, on a special page of our TwinSpace.
Primary school
Game design
Longitude: 23.588845
Latitude: 47.661309
Geoposition: 47.66130900000002,23.588844750000003
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