to Sunday, December 1, 2019 12:00 AM
Àlex Revelles Andreu
Invite-only in-person activity
Montblanc, Tarragona, Catalunya, ESP
Experiencia en el aula del uso de la aplicación de programación Scratch para aprender prevención de riesgos laborales en los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Mantenimiento Electromecánico, Elaboración de Productos Alimentarios y Gestión Administrativa.
Secondary school
Motivation and awareness raising
Nearby upcoming activities:
Robots en Acció
There are a series of challenges from the "Robots en acció" project. They are challenging the kids to solve the challenges with a Microbit in a very creative way.
ESP32 & TDR Steamaker
Use the ESP32 with the TDR Steamaker Shield and sensors for a full set of practice, learning how to use its sensors and code.
Coding and robotics
During Code Week, students at Salvador Sanromà School, from preschool (3-year-olds) to 6th grade, will either be introduced to or continue learning programming languages through platforms such as OctoStudio, Code, and Scratch. They will also explore new robotics tools provided by the Next Generation program, including Tale-Bots, Code&Go, Blue-Bots, Dash, LEGO Essential, and LEGO Prime. This activity aims to enhance their computational thinking and coding skills in a fun and engaging way.