Girls and Boys, Lets Go CODING for your future

From Monday, October 7, 2019 8:00 AM
to Friday, October 18, 2019 6:00 PM

Association Of Serbian Professors of informatics

Invite-only in-person activity

Основна школа Влада Аксентијевић, Улица Ванизелосова, 11108, Палилула, Београд, Град Београд, Централна Србија, SRB

The aim is to develop logical and computer thinking skills and fundamental principles of programming among students age 10-19 years in order to continue their studies at one of the IT universities. High school students who want to do so can get involved after a school and find a job where IT skills and knowledge are sought. For socially vulnerable categories of young people not enrolled in full-time education, lectures will be organized as prospective occupations that can enable them to participate in regular education. We need to make possibilities to students continue schooling or to keep the youngsters stay here. Događaj će se realizovati u OŠ ''Vlada Aksentijević'' iz Beograda. Koordinator. Ivana Ivašković, profesor informatike.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Visual/Block programming Motivation and awareness raising

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