Drones and Angles

From Friday, October 11, 2019 2:00 PM
to Friday, October 11, 2019 5:30 PM

Agrupamento de Escolas de Alberto Sampaio

Open in-person activity

Escola Secundária Alberto Sampaio, São José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto, Portugal

Hands-on workshop, aimed at primary school students, in which students apply maths' concepts, measurements and angles, into drone coding competences. Students will get familiarized with drones functions and features, as well as deepen maths' concepts relates to measuring distances and calculating turning angles and jumping distances. After practising, students will compete, in pairs, to take the drone from START to ARRIVAL, through an obstacle lane, in the short time posible and less erros commited. There will be badges awarded to the best teams, as weel as the most creative ones.


    Primary school

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Hoje em dia, encontramos problemas que dificultam as nossas vidas, por exemplo alterações climáticas, poluição ambiental, incêndios florestais, etc. Estes problemas reduzem a nossa qualidade de vida. No sentido de ultrapassar estes problemas do século XXI, são necessários estudos para desenvolver ou implementar projetos que visem soluções nas áreas da Engenharia e Matemática. Este projeto visa capacitar os nossos alunos de competências de codificação robótica e implementação de soluções na área STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering e Mathematics). Serão realizadas atividades que envolvam a construção de mecanismos robóticos onde se aplicam conceitos físicos, nomeadamente de forças e energia (ação reação e impulsão), montagem de robots e circuitos elétricos bem como a respetiva programação utilizando linguagens de programação por blocos. 

365 days of respect and equality
Sun, Oct 1, 2023 12:00 AM


To encourage reflection on the origin of gender violence in social inequality. 

To reflect on the inequality in which women, men and non-binary people are being educated.

Identify and recognize myths, false beliefs, toxic relationships in love relationships between men, women and non-binary people.

To provide times and spaces to share what we think about men, women, ways of loving, what we like, what we don't like....

To recognize the deep link between gender violence and the way we understand couple relationships.

To know the degree of risk of exercising or suffering gender violence.

To provide personal skills for the construction of egalitarian, respectful and cooperative relationships.

To promote a constructive management of emotions and the cooperative resolution of conflicts.

Organization, development and methodology.

To provide teachers and future #professionals with resources that, in a simple way, allow them to know first hand what their students think and feel and how they express it.

Facilitate dialogue around the situations exposed and make us aware of what our students think and think.

To become aware of the audiovisual media: cinema, literature, music and art as transmitters of values and as educational tools and to reflect on the models of femininity and masculinity transmitted through them.


The methodology will be based on principles of active and voluntary participation.

Artistic, playful and creative methodologies will also be used.  The creative process allows to deepen on the topics that are addressed in any training action, in this case, around the problem of gender violence, giving the protagonism to the students, encouraging personal expression and involvement, responsibility and self-esteem. Creative methodologies allow sharing feelings, ideas and experiences, learning new skills, working in groups and becoming aware that everyone has something valuable and unique to bring.

As a result of this process, group and generational self-esteem is fostered, promoting awareness and their creative contribution to the

awareness and their creative contribution to the fight against gender violence through the following workshops:

- Obradoiro: "Let's move the story".

- Workshop: "Reality from the other shore".

 8-M Poster Contest

- Business ideas contest to prevent or eradicate gender violence or mitigate its effects.

- Escape room contest on gender violence.

- 3D Printing.