Cool Code and Robotics for students and teachers!

From Wednesday, October 2, 2019 8:30 AM
to Sunday, October 20, 2019 3:00 PM

Lviv Secondary School 62


Svobody Avenue, Lviv, Ukraine

The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness of the students about coding, to familiarize with the basic concepts of coding and computing thinking, to exchange ideas on coding and to implement the Code for newly created teachers at a conference in Lviv (Ukraine) Week of the Code. This activity will be for both students and teachers. Students will learn coding through the Scratch platform (, robotics (Lego WeDo2.0 and mBot). Students will be familiar with the Scratch features and will be able to help them develop animations in their projects using IR technologies. When studying robotics, children will take part in the challenges associated with situations related to studying life on the moon through the creation of new robots and their programming, design, modeling solutions for the future. They will see the connection between encoding and the creation of robots. They will receive basic programming skills and the development of critical thinking, teamwork skills. They will work through challenges that provide sufficient support to various student groups. They admit that computing thinking does not happen only on a computer, but it is necessary for real scenarios. We participate in Codeweek Eu by organizing coding classes for teachers of Lviv schools who want to integrate coding into their curriculum. Our students take part in the encoding forum at the III Lviv STEM Festival in order to master the basic concepts of programming and robotics. Activity type --Open in-person and on-line activities

    Pre-primary education Primary school Secondary school Higher Education Employed adults
    Basic programming concepts Software development Robotics Playful coding activities Visual/Block programming 3D printing Augmented reality Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

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