"Mind, Body and Soul", a school camp project

From Monday, July 1, 2019 9:00 AM
to Friday, July 5, 2019 3:00 PM

"Alexandru Ceusianu" Gymnasium School in Reghin, Mures County.



Reghin, Romania

The exciting program will take place from July 1-5, was designed and applied to six workshops, namely: "Explorers" (interaction with nature through hiking, camping and playing in "Round Forest", fascinating oak forest of the host village ), "Song, play and good will" (artistic playful challenges), "The best hands" (practical exercises), "Journalists" (open to others, communication with all the participants in the camp activities) culinary "(the joy of preparing simple culinary recipes, but in collaboration with others)," Skilful little children "(workshop and learning workshop for pre-school children).

    Pre-primary education Primary school
    Art and creativity Promoting diversity

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