to Saturday, October 20, 2018 4:00 PM
Mátételke Község Önkormányzata
Mátételke, Magyarország
Az internet és cyber világ veszélyei a gyermekekre. Adatvédelem, játékfüggőség és közösségi oldalak használatának kockázatai. Cyber térbeli viselkedési normák.
Primary school
Secondary school
Motivation and awareness raising
Nearby upcoming activities:
Játékos kódolás gyerekeknek (6-18 évesek)
Space Code
“The students will color a worksheet, where the colors are coded with numbers.
Look at the picture of the rocket on your worksheet.
Each part of the rocket has a number.
Find the color that matches each number. For example:
1 = Red
2 = Blue
3 = Yellow
4 = Green
Color each rocket part according to the numbers and colors listed above.
Make sure to stay within the lines and color neatly.
Have fun coloring your rocket!
This color-by-number activity is especially suitable for younger children as it helps them learn to follow instructions and recognize numbers and colors.”
"Coding in space for the climate change"
Razne pocetne igre programiranja za decu koja se po prvi put susrecu sa ovakvim aktivnostima