CodeWeek in English Classroom - 4C

From Thursday, October 4, 2018 1:30 PM
to Friday, October 12, 2018 5:30 PM

Пето основно училище "Митьо Станев"


улица „Стефан Стамболов“ 19, Стара Загора, България

There are two activities for the Code Week- coding with BeeBot and creating with Buncee: 1. The second graders are coding with Beebot and learning English words and phrases in a new and interesting way. They are recording their coding on Seesaw digital diary. #critical thinking 2. The pupils are working on Buncee site to create their virtual book, starting with creating their speaking avatar. #creativity

    Primary school
    Robotics Art and creativity

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The students at our high school participate in a cultural project through which they want to recreate the history of the community with the help of Unreal Engine, the world's most advanced real-time 3D creation tool for photoreal visuals and immersive experiences and Augmented Reality, one of the biggest technology trends right now, that let us see the real-life environment right in front of us—trees swaying in the park, dogs chasing balls, kids playing soccer—with a digital augmentation overlaid on it.

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This course introduces a computer-free programming activity in which students participate in a cooperative game that introduces them to the fundamentals of programming. The chemistry game is based on the logic of Cody Roby. Students will be split into teams and act as either Cody or Roby. Cody students will use cards to move Roby students through paths and collect the correct chemical elements and create chemical compounds.     Το μάθημα αυτό εισάγει μία δραστηριότητα προγραμματισμού χωρίς χρηση υπολογιστή, στο πλαίσιο της οποίας οι μαθητές συμμετέχουν σε ένα παιχνίδι συνεργασίας που τους εξοικειώνει με τις βασικές αρχές του προγραμματισμού. Το CHEMISTRY GAME βασίζεται στη λογική του Cody Roby. Οι μαθητές θα χωριστούν σε ομάδες και θα λειτουργήσουν είτε ως Cody, είτε ως Roby. Οι Cody μαθητές θα χρησιμοποιήσουν κάρτες για να μετακινήσουν τους Roby μαθητές μέσα από διαδρομές και να συλλέξουν τα σωστά χημικά στοιχεία και να δημιουργήσουν χημικές ενώσεις.