Scratch, Arduino, Lego, Appinventor...let's program!

From Sunday, September 16, 2018 8:00 AM
to Thursday, June 13, 2019 2:00 PM

Institut Maria Rúbies


Institut d'Educació Secundària María Rúbies, Carrer Boquer, Lérida, España

Along this year, the Technology department develops several activities to promote digital skills and programming. These are: - Scratch: during the 1st.term activities with Scratch (1 hour/week) for 1ESO and 4 ESO - Arduino: Processsing Arduino, a programm for contructing and controlling. 4 ESO 1 hour/week. - Lego: From 1 to 4 ESO, students volunteers, from October to February and participation to the LegoLeague - Appinventor: "Mobilitzem la informàtica" (Appdate yourself), focused on the design and creation of applications for mobile devices with Appinventor, and promoted by mSchools, a multi-faceted program of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, in partnership with Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona City Hall and GSMA. In June our students will participate in the mSchools awards with the applications that they will design. We work in this program in 4 ESO (3 hours/week) from September to June.

    Secondary school
    Basic programming concepts Mobile app development Robotics Visual/Block programming

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Robotica Can Llong
Sun, Sep 25, 2022 9:00 AM

Durant el curs escolar 22-23 els alumnes de l'Escola de Can Llong, des d'EI-3 fins a sisè de Primària, realitzen setmanalment una sessió de Robòtica Educativa inclosa en la Programació d'Aula i relacionada amb les Competencies Específiques treballades.

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3D Tractor simulator
Mon, Jan 1, 2024 12:00 AM

El proyecto implica la creación de un simulador en 3D de un tractor agrícola con las gafas de VR Pico 4. Considerando la disponibilidad limitada de un tractor real en el instituto, el objetivo principal es proporcionar a los compañeros del ciclo de agronomía una herramienta de formación que les permita practicar y adquirir habilidades en la operación de un tractor de manera realista, El proyecto incluye fases de diseño, desarrollo y pruebas para mejorar la accesibilidad y la seguridad en la formación agrícola.

The project involves the creation of a 3D simulator of an agricultural tractor with VR glasses Pico 4. Considering the limited availability of a real tractor at the institute, the main objective is to provide colleagues in the agronomy cycle with a training tool that allows them to practice and acquire skills in operating a tractor in a realistic way. The project includes phases of design, development and testing to improve accessibility and safety in agricultural training.

Robòtica al rescat
Mon, Oct 2, 2023 8:00 AM

Aquest curs amb els EV3 ens centrarem en crear robots que rescatin persones.