Say yes to coding

From Monday, October 8, 2018 7:30 AM
to Friday, October 19, 2018 7:00 PM



Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)

The students will be introduced with the opportunity to use Microbit devices as a tool for learning to code. Discussions about using Microbit for coding in different subjects is expected to raise students' interest and motivation for learning. Critical thinking and problem solving of different problems in everyday life will show the students that coding can be interesting and playful. At the second part of the activity students will work on a connection between coding and physical education. In groups they will write a code that will count the number of steps during the running in football match. By using Microbit devices in real situation they will count which player has run the most. Connection between two most favorite subjects in school - ICT and sport will be achieved. Long-lasting knowledge and skills about using coding in different subjects will be achieved.

    Primary school
    Playful coding activities

Longitude: 21.431647
Latitude: 41.996042
Geoposition: 41.9960421,21.431646999999998

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