Robot Code

From Wednesday, October 17, 2018 9:00 AM
to Wednesday, October 17, 2018 12:00 PM

Simplon Réunion


14 Rue Henri Cornu, Sainte-Clotilde, Réunion

Vous êtes parent.s d'un.e enfant âgé.e de 6 à 12ans ? Les vacances approchent : Simplon Réunion et la Technopole s'associent en offrant aux plus jeunes 2 matinées ludiques d'initiation au codage ! Nos formateurs vont accompagner vos enfants, les aider à créer des histoires, des jeux et des animations inoubliables ! 3 créneaux possibles : 1- Le mercredi 17 octobre de 9h à 10h - INITIATION PROGRAMMATION 2- Le mercredi 17 octobre de 10h30 à 11h30 - INITIATION PROGRAMMATION 3- Le vendredi 19 octobre de 10h à 12h - ROBOT CODE Adresse : Technopole - 14 rue Henri Cornu - 97490 Sainte Clotilde. Nombre de places limité. Inscriptions avant le 15 octobre 2018 : Ou formulaire d'inscription :

    Pre-primary education Primary school
    Robotics Playful coding activities

Nearby upcoming activities:

Fri, Nov 11, 2022 7:00 AM

Following the concepts  and the insight on the computer science that I have learnerd from the code week course,
I have decided to form a computer science club in my school.


In this club, I will register students from different classes drawn from Form one to Form Four and then introdece them to the concept of Computer Science.


I inted to take them through the courses from

I already sent out registration forms and students are registering so that I can introduce them to these concepts.

We have one computer Lab in the school with 20 computers and I intend to find time when the lab is free and the students can be available so that I can take them through the concepts learnt.

This is a long term thing and I know it will bear great fruit.


My school is a girls school and the students are largely drawn from disadvanantaged backgrounds. Introducing them to this concepts will broaden their thinking and will go along way in making their future bright. 

Target the Cube
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 12:00 AM
Expected Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to create an app on and will get an introductory experience of coding in a safe environment.    BIG QUESTION: How do I create a coding app myself on    Materials required: Computer/Laptop with internet access.    The flow of activity: Create an account on Click on the given link and remix the activity, edit it as per your wish.    Or you can also create a new app by clicking on create button on the home page of and choosing Game Lab. You can share your app with anybody to play or remix.    Success Criteria: At the end, students will reflect on their learning by answering the given question:  Now I Can: Create any app using coding on Yes  No
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