to Monday, October 15, 2018 4:00 PM
E. B. 2 ,3 MAIA
Ramal de São Pedro, Maia, 9625 - 380 Maia - São Miguel - Açores
O objetivo é promover a aprendizagem e a experimentação da programação e manipulação de Robôs, fomentando a auto-descoberta e a criatividade, através de desafios de carácter lúdico.
Employed adults
Basic programming concepts
Playful coding activities
Longitude: -25.392221
Latitude: 37.831857
Geoposition: 37.8318572,-25.392220599999973
Nearby upcoming activities:
Fun with coding
As part of the eTwinning project “ESL Connecting People”, we prepared coding activities on the topic of PEACE.
- students learn simple coding
- students decipher the codes
- students acquire basic programming skills
- students know how to use the bee bot
- students cooperate with each other
Activity 1: Color by number
Each student gets a sheet with a picture with numbers on it. Each number corresponds to a specific color according to the color coding on the legend. Students have to color each box with the appropriate color to reveal the image in the picture.
Activity 2: Code breaker
Students have to decipher the codes by matching the pictures with the corresponding letters. They get 5 words related to our topic.
Activity 3: Bee Bot challenge
We created a chain of schools. Each school challenge the next ine to find the hidden peaceful messages by using the coding route. Note: we created images with peaceful messages in the privius task. Link:
According to the order of their team, the students coded a route on a 4x6 grid.
The first team marked the start on the grid and sent it to the next team along with a picture and a path from the arrows. This team used the bee bot to decode the path and find the spot where the picture with the peaceful message was hidden. Then they sent their challenge to the next team. So at the end of the chain, each team decoded the challenge and put together their own challenge.
Link with the results:
Bulldozer Bots em Ação
Nesta atividade de robótica, as crianças da educação pré-escolar vão transformar os Blue Bots em pequenos bulldozers que circulam numa cidade em obras, usando um tapete temático.
Os alunos vão programar os robôs para empurrar blocos de construção e "limpar" caminhos, desenvolvendo noções de lógica, orientação espacial e trabalho em equipa.
CodeWeek EBSPS
Realização de atividades envolvendo:
- Construção e programação de robôs;
- Eletrónica;
- Realidade virtual e realidade aumentada;
- Modelação e impressão tridimensional.