Let's learn with Minecraft!

From Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:00 AM
to Friday, October 19, 2018 12:00 PM

Asociatia de parinti "Inv. Radu Ion "



Vadu Părului, Romania

Together we will learn how the concept of coding can develop our computational thinking.By playing and learning Minecraft, 40 students involved in these activities will improve their soft skills-personal and social competences, critical and analitical thinking ,team work and their creativity. Minecraft will involve actively our students in different competitive ways, they will have many challenges and will collaborate to solve some problems.Our students will have the possibility and will find out how they can create their own characters that will be included in their stories.Thus, they will develop their digital competences to write a short text, to understand and to communicate in a foreign language. With Minecraft, our students will enter a magic virtual world.The more advanced students will help the beginners, especially the girls.In this way they will be aware of the importance of working in teams and will show different ways of empathy. Minecraft helps students learn in an easier and active way.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Unplugged activities Playful coding activities

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