The influence of IoT on your everyday life

From Sunday, October 13, 2019 11:00 AM
to Saturday, October 13, 2018 4:00 PM

Ternopil IT Cluster


Yosyfa Slipoho Street, Ternopil, Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine

Internet of Things is the concept of the thing’s network, that could cooperate by itself and bring profits in everyday life. This seminar will benefit those who are interested in the development of technology and wants to build their professional activities in this direction. It shows the interconnection of technology with things and their benefits, the convenience. The main goals are: to increase knowledge about IT; to promote IoT as an innovative direction of IT; to promote the initiative Meet and Code; to support the image of Ternopil as the city of information technologies and innovations. We would like to show to the students the possible directions for professional orientation and how deeply IoT has an impact on the social life; to spread the information about IoT as the one of the most practical direction of IT development with a great perspective to growth; how accessible technology and the quality of life can be. The lack of enlightenment about different IT areas, in particular IoT, for many students, this trend is unknown, incomprehensible and detached from the notion of IT. This workshop aims to show how technology affects life, how accessible and realistic it is to implement and inspire to create and implement its own projects.

    Secondary school Higher Education
    Internet of things and wearable computing

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