Недела на кодирањето

From Tuesday, October 16, 2018 7:30 PM
to Friday, October 19, 2018 10:30 AM

ООУ „Јоаким Крчовски“- Крива Паланка


Kriva Palanka, Macedonia (FYROM)

Недела на кодирањето во која ќе се одржат предавања за тоа што е код и кодирање, учениците ќе решаваат логички проблеми ќе кодираат и на тој начин ќе развивааат дигитални вештини.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Playful coding activities

Nearby upcoming activities:

Кодираме роботче
Mon, Sep 9, 2024 12:00 AM

Активноста се состои во кодирање на патека на робот. На патеката се поставени карти со броеви. Учениците го програмираат роботот да оди од број до број така што збирот на проевите низ коишто поимал да биде даден број. Во зависност од возраста се поставуваат броевите. 

Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe
Tue, Oct 10, 2023 8:00 AM

The "Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe" is an exciting eTwinning project designed for 17-year-old students from Serbia and France. This collaborative initiative aims to promote cross-cultural understanding, teamwork, and STEM skills through the creation of Arduino-based autonomous robots. Students will work in international teams, fostering friendships and collaboration between different cultures. The project culminates in a series of challenges, including friendly robot competitions and races, where teams compete to achieve the best times while navigating special-shaped circuits.

Developing 21st century skills through coding - eTwinning project
Mon, Oct 9, 2023 8:00 AM

Official start of the etwinning project "Developing 21st century skills through coding " founded by teachers participating in the Summer School EUCodeWeek 2023 in Brussels.

It is intended that students develop the skills necessary for 21st-century jobs through challenges posed by teachers or through the creation of solutions to problems related to their contexts where they will have to use coding.