to Monday, October 13, 2014 7:30 PM & parents & KUD Jezersko
Zgornje Jezersko 62, 4206 Zgornje Jezersko, Slovenia
Children will be introduced with basic components of computers, they will build its own small notebook computers from paper and create applications for it During the workshop also old home computers will be available to play with original Logo. Event will be held in the Jezersko Library.
Pre-primary education
Basic programming concepts
Nearby upcoming activities:
Einsatz der BeeBots
Programiranje s programom Scratch in Pišek
V sklopu poučevanja neobveznega izbirnega predmeta računalništva, na naši šoli otrokom predstavimo programiranje z delčki. Uporabljamo programa Pišek in Scratch. Otroci se naučijo osnov programiranja in algoritemskega razmišljanja.