to Sunday, March 23, 2025 11:00 PM
Colegiul Național ”Elena Cuza”, Craiova
Open in-person activity
Colegiul Național Elena Cuza, Str. Mihai Viteazul, nr.12, Craiova, 200417, ROU
Videos, presentations, posters, puzzles, quizis, using digital tools, about how to stay safe online.
Primary school
Data manipulation and visualisation
Art and creativity
Motivation and awareness raising
Longitude: 24.97293
Latitude: 45.852431
Geoposition: 45.85243127,24.97293039
Nearby upcoming activities:

Le mois de la Francophonie
The activity we want to carry out on the occasion of Francophonie month is dedicated in particular to France and other francophone countries, but not only. We want the works made by the children to represent an image of the culture and tourist attractions of France.

Calatorind fara pasaport
Activitate pe o platforma e-twinning, in care ne am adunat reprezentanti din peste 60 de tari, in care comunicam pe grupuri de whapp, in care am inclus si elevi. Ativitatile sunt extrem de interactive si vizeaza rezultate precum a fi se, postere, filmulete, e-book si multe altele, toate utilizand instrumente digitale atractive.

Cros cu Pedometru
Elevii vor programa o placuta microbit pentru a contoriza numarul de pasi facuti si apoi vom face o intrecere pentru a vedea cine parcurge o distanta mai mare.